• 63 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Thank you for the compliments! I think my plating is getting better because I try to take as much thinking out of my daily cooking as I can, which leaves me with time to visualize dishes when it comes time to actually cook them.

    I set my menu for the work week on the weekend so I already have a rough outline of the dish components, then gather all of the fresh produce and meat I need so I’m not playing iron chef every meal. I don’t deviate too far from the cooking techniques I know or try out more than one new thing at a time to ensure I stay in a semi-comfortable zone and can complete whatever I’m making. And since I didn’t have to think about what to make or how to prepare it, I can dedicate more time to visualizing the end product.

    I also have a ton of inspiration from people like Jules Cooking and Chef Majk from YouTube that guide me towards more modern plating techniques.

  • Ingredients:

    • 2 large slices of sourdough bread
    • 1 cup shredded cheese
      • I used provolone, gruyere, and sharp cheddar
    • 1/2 cup napa cabbage kimchi
    • 4 slices thick-cut bacon cut into 8 strips
      • Streaky/belly bacon is preferred over back/Canadian


    • Add the bacon strips to a cold pan before bringing the pan up to medium heat
    • Render the fat from the bacon, flipping occasionally until desired crispiness is reached (I went for about 10 minutes total cook time)
    • Remove the bacon from the pan and press the two slices of sourdough bread into the grease to toast them
    • Flip once the bread begins to toast but before it becomes brown (I went for ~3 minutes)
    • Flip the toast back and layer on your ingredients, starting with cheese on both pieces of toast, followed by bacon on one slice and kimchi on the other. Top the bacon with the rest of the cheese.
    • Cover the pan, lower the stove to low heat, and allow cheeses to melt slightly before pressing the two halves together to form the sandwich
    • Press the sandwich with a weight or a spatula and cook until the cheese has completely melted
    • Remove from pan, cut in half diagonally, plate, and enjoy!

  • Thank you again for the feedback! I agree with everything that’s been said, except I’ll be swapping parsley in for cilantro since it is one of the few ingredients I don’t care for.

    Broiling the peppers, onions, and chicken all together on a sheet pan sacrifices quality for speed, but if I were cooking for someone else I would have done these in the skillet like they deserve.

    I struggle figuring out enough recipes to make buying beans worthwhile since I’ll have to eat them all by myself. The more Mexican dishes I learn the more I see how they can be used though so I’m sure it’s just a matter of time until they find themselves as a staple in my pantry.

  • Mix 1/2 cup soy sauce with 1 tbsp honey, 1 small knob of diced ginger, 2-3 cloves diced garlic, the white part of 1-2 scallions, cracked black pepper, and gochugaru/chili flakes. Add to a container with 2 pieces of dark meat chicken.

    Marinade up to overnight, then sear your chicken in a pan before moving it, the marinade, and 1 cup chicken stock to a pot. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 1-2 hours or until chicken is very tender. Serve over white rice, garnish with the green part of a scallion, and enjoy!