Is there anything I can do about duplicates? I use Sync for Lemmy on Android.
Block that bot user?
Block that bot user?
That’s a stupid question. ;)
Edit: Anyone downvoting this should be ashamed. It’s a reference to his username.
His character on Deep Space 9 infiltrates the space station by impersonating an admiral. He does this by saying the following phrase anytime someone asks him a question: “That’s a stupid question”. Because he’s wearing an admiral uniform he gets away with his rudeness and the subordinates just let him infiltrate the station.
What is the name of the character?
The character’s name is Patrick.
And PTZ are their initials?
His display name is Admiral Patrick. Same as the character.
LOL, DS9 laying the truth before it was even a meme. Throw on a high-vis vest and carry a ladder, walk into almost any venue.
Oh lol thanks for clearing that up. For some reason I was looking at the username in the picture trying to figure out how it dealt with the Wheel Of Time character lmao.
Completely glossed over the commenters DS9 username. Patrick and the rest of them made that episode so funny.
FWIW, I (obviously) understood that reference and upvoted you :)
Not remembering a joke from an episode that aired 25 years ago doesn’t really rank high on most people’s shame-o-meters, my dude
How do u do this on sync? There is several annoying bots i want to block but clicking the name of the bot doesn’t do anything.
If you can’t find the option to block in your preferred app, you can always go to your instance in a browser and block the user in your settings.
For immediate change, sort by active or top 12 hour. Hot gives too much new.
I moved instances recently and have been too lazy to migrate by subscriptions, so I’ve just been browsing on All with Top 6-Hour sort.
The number of bot accounts that just spam post from RSS feeds every 15-30 minutes or so and get zero engagement are infuriating. No one interacts with it! Just give it up!
“There is also a discussion over on Hacker News” well tell hacker news that the news we want to discuss is how to mitigate spam from shitty bots!
Most have rightfully pointed out that you should block that user.
Another solution is joining more communities so it’s not your ENTIRE FEED.
Soapbox opinion time. Post spamming to parallel communities across instances is antithetical to federation.
Post spamming discourages users from federating with parallel communities on federated instances because users who do end up with feeds congested with duplicate posts. This encourages unsubscribing which results in reduced engagement across communities and isn’t fair to other contributors who choose not to post spam. The alternative would be to block the post spammer, which wouldn’t be ideal either, since articles are often still worth reading.
If a post spammer is concerned about visibility from defederated instances, then I suggest using an instance that federates to more instances. Furthermore, please respect an instance’s choice to defederate from yours if that’s where you choose to be. If your instance was defederated from another, that means the users there do not want to see any posts from your instance, even if you think they do.
I implore post spammers to reconsider the logic behind their actions, as the impact on the fediverse is more negative than positive.
I think crossposting is okay as it should take care of duplicates to the end user, right?
You’ve been here for two months and you don’t know how to block users or bots?
Yikes, Im scared of what your experience here has been like