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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Analogies are tools to assist understanding, and having opposition debate the analogies themselves instead of the actual points they’re used to make is a sign of a weak rebuttal.

    So let’s ignore all the haggling over the analogy and bring it back to the broader point: People should not be in jobs which their personal beliefs prevent doing significant or important aspects of. And equality between genders is objectively an important aspect of health care. These “professionals” should not be in the health care field at all, save perhaps male-focused care fields like prostate or testicular health.

  • I don’t understand why this is even allowed. If someone had a religious opposition to consuming or enabling the consumption (cooking, serving, etc) of certain foods – shellfish, pork, sweets during lent, meat in general, whatever – that person could not reasonably expect to get a job in a restaurant where that food is regularly served. Like, if a waiter showed up for work at a steakhouse one day and refused to touch any plate with meat on it on religious grounds, no one would be on that waiter’s side when there are vegan restaurants that waiter could have applied to instead.

    Doctors are held to a different standard because… the mental gymnastics say it’s totally fine when it’s a woman being denied service I guess?

    If these healthcare “professionals” only want to treat men like they deserve humane care, they should be in a field more suited to their preferences.

    Failing that, yes, I agree with your comment entirely.

  • I was only discussing the definition of a disorder. But if you want to get into sophistry and impotent political venting, sure. If 60% of people can’t make connections with others or hold down a job because of their mental health, I question anyone who would call that anything but a disordered society, and that includes you saying it’s “the order of things.”

    That said, this is an informal self-reported poll with a possibly exaggerated headline. It’s entirely possible the actual disorder most of GenZ has is self-diagnosis and identity culture, in which if one doesn’t have a disorder or three, one becomes the weirdo in a group.

    I found this line from the article especially telling:

    The survey also showed that 2 out of 5 go to therapy and 53 percent have gotten professional help for mental health at some point.

    Notice how 53% is less than 60? And we’d have to assume each and every one of the 53% was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder on those “at some point” visits to come close to supporting the headline’s claim.

    I think if measurable socioeconomic markers supported the 60% number, it would be bigger news. Are they more anxious, sure. But again… anxiety does not imply anxiety disorder. As it stands, publishing inaccurate headlines like this makes people take the real issues – and there ARE a lot of big, pervasive societal issues at play – less seriously.

    (And because I know y’all need to hear it: if you, dear reader, have a professional diagnosis, none of this is talking about you.)

  • The key word is “disorder” though.

    Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time, just like everyone has minor bouts of depression or invasive compulsions. Some non-disordered might even still experience them often.

    Not everyone experiences these feelings pervasively to a degree it prevents them from socioeconomic success (making friends, going outside, finding and keeping a job, etc).

  • I don’t mind the lower quantity - that’s expected on a small platform - but I’m definitely not enjoying the lower quality.

    I think the issue here is that there’s a sweet spot where quantity and quality are in equilibrium. You NEED a certain quantity before you have a high chance of finding insightful comments on a given topic – to simplify things, if there’s a 1% chance a given comment is going to be from an expert with great insight, you have a ~9.6% chance of finding that on a post with 10 comments and a ~63% chance of finding that on a post with 100 comments. The threadiverse just hasn’t hit that threshold yet.

    Of course, there’s a tipping point which reddit is long past, where higher and higher quantities start to drown out the insightful posts with memes and quips, or downvote and mock them with a confidently wrong counter-opinion the mob wants to hear more.

    I hope the barriers to entry with decentralized services that the masses find “confusing” are such that we eventually manage to reach equilibirum and not tip too terribly far past it.

  • have there been any writings, surveys, or studies

    If this is your core question, I suggest putting it somewhere up top; people will get halfway through your post, find something they want to respond to, and just respond without realizing you’re not looking for anecdata.

    But no, there’s nothing like that as far as I know. And I feel this sort of thing would get a lot of play from ex-redditors, so I agree with the other guy that recent shifts would have been too recent to have been analyzed.

    (As far as anecdata goes, I’ve always found subs that focused on a location instead of a topic had a more prominent conservative presence, as location subs bring out a lot more fierce rhetoric as people feel they’re defending their homes from perceived threats.)

  • There it is! Lol

    Yes I’m sure your bully carefully curated the persona of an MMO player and otome fan and the other projects she worked on for years under the same name just waiting for this moment. The long-ass review for a game I posted this weekend which is verifiably not plagiarized nor bland enough to be from an AI is totally just me feigning legitimacy so I can astroturf. The cat photos which can’t be found through reverse image search outside posts from this account are totally deepfakes to farm karma so my astroturfing would look more legitimate.

    This won’t change your mind, but it needs to be said anyway: People can disagree with you without being alts, bots, sockpuppets, or in any other way “in on it.” Your inability to see this makes me doubt your entire account of these events.