His character on Deep Space 9 infiltrates the space station by impersonating an admiral. He does this by saying the following phrase anytime someone asks him a question: “That’s a stupid question”. Because he’s wearing an admiral uniform he gets away with his rudeness and the subordinates just let him infiltrate the station.
Oh lol thanks for clearing that up. For some reason I was looking at the username in the picture trying to figure out how it dealt with the Wheel Of Time character lmao.
Completely glossed over the commenters DS9 username. Patrick and the rest of them made that episode so funny.
That’s a stupid question. ;)
Edit: Anyone downvoting this should be ashamed. It’s a reference to his username.
FWIW, I (obviously) understood that reference and upvoted you :)
Not remembering a joke from an episode that aired 25 years ago doesn’t really rank high on most people’s shame-o-meters, my dude
His character on Deep Space 9 infiltrates the space station by impersonating an admiral. He does this by saying the following phrase anytime someone asks him a question: “That’s a stupid question”. Because he’s wearing an admiral uniform he gets away with his rudeness and the subordinates just let him infiltrate the station.
Oh lol thanks for clearing that up. For some reason I was looking at the username in the picture trying to figure out how it dealt with the Wheel Of Time character lmao.
Completely glossed over the commenters DS9 username. Patrick and the rest of them made that episode so funny.
What is the name of the character?
The character’s name is Patrick.
And PTZ are their initials?
His display name is Admiral Patrick. Same as the character.
LOL, DS9 laying the truth before it was even a meme. Throw on a high-vis vest and carry a ladder, walk into almost any venue.