In a YouGov poll conducted between July 25-29, 59 percent of Republicans surveyed said they would prefer a president under the age of 75. Trump celebrated his 78th birthday in June. Forty percent said they had no preference, and just two percent said they would prefer a president over the age of 75.

  • worldwidewave
    2638 months ago

    Short of a major heart attack, Trump isn’t giving up one iota of power. Really helps to draw a contrast between the parties, where one guy is willing to step down and the other is prepared to crash the plane with us all in it.

          • teft
            218 months ago

            They wouldn’t throw him in prison even if he could get there. They would put him on one of their propaganda “news” channels and let him go to town. They can subtitle whatever they want for the locals so he can say whatever.

            But he’ll never get there. He has a permanent secret service escort that probably isn’t going to be cool with defecting to russia.

        • Sabata
          88 months ago

          A good plan B if he was capable of planning on his own.

        • Pennomi
          78 months ago

          I highly doubt the Feds would allow that.

        298 months ago

        I’m not so sure I agree that he will be held accountable for his actions if he doesn’t win. I think he still narrowly avoids prison even if he doesn’t win, or maybe only spends like 3 days maximum in prison, sadly.

        • I really don’t think his Supreme Court is going to allow him to have a custodial sentence. They showed they were fully on the Trump train by finding immunity in the constitution when it plainly reads otherwise.

        • Flying SquidOP
          168 months ago

          There’s also the possibility of house arrest. I’ll take that.

            218 months ago

            It doesn’t seem like a real consequence. Also, what if he breaks it? Will there be a consequence for that? I don’t see it happening.

            38 months ago

            For most people, it would be a horrible punishment to be forced to spend your older years at one of his resorts*… surrounded exclusively by people who are happy to support him financially.

            *or maybe “resort”, anybody know if you can stay at any impeached ex-presidential resorts besides mar-AHHHH!!!-lago?


            • Flying SquidOP
              38 months ago

              surrounded exclusively by people who are happy to support him financially.

              I think you greatly overestimate who would plan on sticking around if Trump ended up disgraced after the election and under house arrest. He will have completely outlived his usefulness.

            • KillingTimeItself
              38 months ago

              i think the reason it’s considered a resort is because hes only allowed to stay there for like 30 days at a time, no longer. Since it’s not legally considered to be a “private residence” and that has something to do with it’s tax status i think? Which i think is also due to it’s zoning status.

              I believe this is pretty common amongst rich people who own multiple properties.

          128 months ago

          He is not a healthy man, Trump will die before he’s held accountable for anything. He’s lived a long life of being a terrible person and the only consequence he’ll face for it is the stress of court cases through his final years and the knowledge that only 40ish% of voters would vote for him again.

            18 months ago

            Nah, the miracle of modern medicine with being able to afford the best doctors in the world will keep him for many years to come.

        27 months ago

        I think it’s because he knows that if he is elected he’ll be President until old age and unhealthy living kill him, whether that’s two years from now or twenty.

        “You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians,” he said.

        And who knows what the remaining government of Trumpistan will choose to do for his replacement after that.

      • teft
        68 months ago

        I definitely would not be able to remain as calm as Mr Buttigieg in this exchange.

      -278 months ago

      Was Biden not stubbornly refusing to step down for so long, until his party forced his hand? I think Democrats wanted someone younger than him in 2020 too. I think we’re giving Biden too much credit here.

        248 months ago

        You can bet that at least the last week of that was a matter of keeping up appearances. The transition went smoother than it had any right to, and that doesn’t happen without a lot of behind the scenes planning.

          28 months ago

          Must’ve been a supervetted group who knew anything if reports are true some close aides were told minutes before the official announcement.

        -278 months ago

        We must remember that Biden is a politician who arguably plagiarised lines of a speech from Kinnock, sinking his '87 campaign.

        He’s not some paragon of virtue and perfection.

        His greatest achievement is also working with the Republicans. And look at how much respect that got him from that party.

        • KillingTimeItself
          58 months ago

          dude i think every politican ever has plagiarized a speech. Even fucking trump, although i think it was ivanka? Idk, she stole michelle obamas speech iirc.

          Also 87 was literally 35+ years ago.

            -27 months ago

            Okay, so we can’t judge Biden on reasonable standards, or what he did when he was being a politician in the past. Got it.

            • KillingTimeItself
              17 months ago

              yeah and 35+ years ago hating gay people was normal, i dont think gay marraige was legalized, the queer community quite literally did not exist in the capacity it does now.

              Women certainly didn’t have the same rights they do now, the 80s was only 20 years post civil rights act, should i keep going?

              Would you like me to criticize you for things you did when you were 10? Because that’s essentially what you’re arguing here.

              It’s fair to criticize biden for the 93 crime bill, in retrospect, and in vacuum. It’s unfair to say that biden is the worst president in the world because he made a bad crime bill once over 20 years ago.

              90’s america was going through one of if not the worst violent crime spurs in a long time during the 90s. You simply can’t correlate the two of them.

                17 months ago

                Would you like me to criticize you for things you did when you were 10? Because that’s essentially what you’re arguing here.

                Would you like to say that a politician in his 40s has the same lack of responsibility as a child?

                • KillingTimeItself
                  17 months ago

                  go ask any 80 year old whether they were doing the same thing in their 40s as they are now in their 80s. Go ask them if they feel like the same person, go ask them if they feel like they’ve changed at all.

                  the point was quite literally me just arguing HOW much can change in a period of even 20 years, let alone 30 or 40 years. Childhood to 20 is a relatively small, but significant jump, similar to 40-80

      8 months ago

      Willing to step down is giving him too much credit. He was pushed out because Dems know he’ll lose. The parties are the same. It’s just business. They don’t love or care about you.

          -47 months ago

          Yeah like how convince people to resign after doing something terrible. It wasn’t Biden’s idea. You didn’t hear all the stuff he was saying after the debate? Come on

          • Dadd Volante
            67 months ago

            It’s almost like he had the self awareness to change his mind when presented with compelling, new information.

            It’s what mature adults do

            If you think the only way any adult can change their mind is if they’re forced to, it speaks more of you than them.

              -37 months ago

              The new and compelling information was that they wanted his ass out.

              Damn. You Biden’s #1 fan. And think so highly of politicians. It’s business. People don’t want to lose money and power. Biden isn’t immune to this.

              • Dadd Volante
                37 months ago

                Yes it was. Gold star for you.

                I must be his #1 fan because reasons.

                Have an ice cream cone or something man. It’ll help that attitude.

                  7 months ago

                  I knew it. You’re in love with him. You wanna share a cone with him and accidentally (but actually purposefully) go for the last lick together, pause and look into each other’s eyes bashfully, then proceed to make out. So obvious that’s what you wanna do.

            37 months ago

            59% of Republicans want someone younger than Trump as president.

            Republicans also don’t want Trump to step down.

            At least they’re consistent in not knowing what they want.

              07 months ago

              That’s one from one survey. And even so, that doesn’t mean that’s gonna sway them away from not voting for the guy. They’d still vote. People wouldn’t vote for Biden so Dems had to change. That’s a big difference.

      8 months ago

      one guy is willing to step down

      81 year old man dogpilled by his party during a possibly fatal respiratory illness.

      Don’t give Biden too much credit here.

      -498 months ago

      False. Biden wasn’t willing to step down. He was forced to. Just because he did it doesn’t make him a hero. He deserves to be remembered for refusing to listen to feedback until it was clear he’d be tanked by people like Pelosi, another Dem who won’t give up power unless it’s on her own terms. But we can move on from that mess, thankfully.

        308 months ago

        He was forced to, how? Nobody has the power to force him do anything.

        He read the writing on the wall and stepped aside. Something Trump would never do.

          -48 months ago

          I agree Trump would never step aside. I’m just saying Biden was put in a position where the support he needed wasn’t there and they made it clear to him. He still could have run, but he was made to understand that he’d lose because he wouldn’t have the backers he needed. Look at the cash KH is raking in. The right people let him know they wanted her / anyone else instead.

        8 months ago

        He was pressured to step down and then was ultimately willing to listen and do so. There was no method to force him to step down – he had more than enough delegates locked in to win the nomination if he wanted to keep going.

        198 months ago

        Or he made sure to stand strong strategically (as anyone running would do) and stepped down at a time to maximize effectiveness.

          08 months ago

          Giving an incredible amount of credit where there’s no evidence. Our politicians / politics aren’t terribly complicated. There are people who want power and they act accordingly. And there are people who want to do some good. They might be the rare case where they don’t get corrupted (Bernie). And then the rest gradually learn to live within the system and perpetuate it (possibly AOC; can’t tell for sure, but it seems more like it as time passes).

      • KillingTimeItself
        58 months ago

        i mean, he rightly, i think did what was expected. The incumbency advantage over someone like trump, especially with having pushed SO much productive legislation is a really safe bet, was it safe enough to win? Maybe?

        I don’t think people were expecting everyone to be super excited over kamala, until she showed up and started kicking ass.

        up until that one debate, he was doing pretty ok. Not great, but not terrible enough to warrant completely removing him, which was why the DNC waited to nominate.

      -698 months ago

      If the Dems get a reroll, I don’t see why the Repubs wouldn’t be allowed one, too.

      Excited to see JD Vance at the top of the ticket. That should be fun.

        8 months ago

        They already had their convention in July. That’s why they shit themselves throwing a temper tantrum when the Dems switched, having made an assumption that the Dems wouldn’t just not nominate a sitting President.

          8 months ago

          They already had their convention in July.

          Where they made their VP announcement, clearly without an iota of audience testing.

          But nothing really stops Trump from withdrawing and ceding the nomination to his VP. Or dying, for that matter.

          That’s why they shit themselves throwing a temper tantrum

          I suspect that’s more just because Biden would have been easier to beat and they’re sore over not being able to coast to victory.

            158 months ago

            But nothing really stops Trump from withdrawing and ceding the nomination to his VP. Or dying, for that matter.

            Besides his crippling narcissism

          • 🔰Hurling⚜️Durling🔱
            88 months ago

            The Democrats still haven’t had their convention so they still can make whatever chabge they want. If Trump withdraws, the Republican party as a whole would be withdrawing because they already had their convention and chose their representative. Another Democrat can run against Kamala up until the convention, but once the Democratic party chooses their representative, they would also be locked in.

              57 months ago

              The DNC and RNC aren’t legally bound by the rules they made for themselves. There have been lawsuits in the last 8 years that have established that. They can both do what ever the fuck they want as long as they don’t piss off the really big donors.

            38 months ago

            I was going to suggest that they could just make Vance the candidate. I’m sure that will work out well for them.

      • katy ✨
        318 months ago

        repubs had like 10 chances to jettison trump between dropping him from the party, washing their hands of him, supporting the investigations, and voting to impeach… and they rejected all of them to stand by him

        248 months ago

        Dems changed to Harris before actually nominating Biden.

        Trump is already nominated. Changing at this point would be a much bigger problem for either side.

        Even if they somehow did who would take his place? Vance has been very unpopular so far, and they’ve already had a full primary this cycle; we already know they don’t have anyone better than Trump.

        Also it would make them hypocrites, not that they care.

          37 months ago

          A nomination does not mean that the republican party needs to back Trump. They could have simply chose someone else or even remove him from their ticket. It’s all in their control.

          A primary is merely to check and see which way the political wind is blowing before the election. And nominations are not written in stone.

            47 months ago

            Almost a fair point; dems may not have rallied around Harris under other circumstances. But she’s only formally run one other time and that was four years ago and against a former VP (Biden). Not quite the same situation today.

            Also the line you quoted doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the point you’re trying to make.

        8 months ago

        Because they actively participated in the deification of Trump among their base, so they know that taking Trump off the ballot would split the party (possibly irreparably).

          67 months ago

          … would split the party (possibly irreparably)

          Especially since it’s a near certainty that Trump would just continue his presidential bid (as a write-in independent if need be).

        188 months ago

        Because Dems only just now voted and elected Harris. At this point, they are also locked in. Repubs already felated, I mean elected, Cheeto…

          -238 months ago

          Because Dems only just now voted and elected Harris.

          I’m not sure what election you participated in, but my ballot listed Joe Biden at the top of the ticket.

          At this point, they are also locked in

          Nothing forces Trump to be president. He can quit any time he wants.

            118 months ago

            I’m not sure what election you participated in, but my ballot listed Joe Biden at the top of the ticket.

            So this is an opportunity for you to learn how it really works. Harris was just officially voted to be the Dem candidate and that will be official on Monday.

            Nothing forces Trump to be president. He can quit any time he wants.

            Oh, he could abort himself, but you know that’s never going to happen. The party is stuck with the weirdo until the election, otherwise.

              -158 months ago

              Harris was just officially voted to be the Dem candidate

              By whom? Which voter cast a ballot for Harris? Which state did she win?

                97 months ago

                You need to learn how the process works… you’re being intentionally ignorant which is a form of stupidity.

                  -17 months ago

                  You need to learn how the process works…

                  • The process selects a candidate

                  • The party ejects the candidate in place of a younger, more popular secondary

                  Me: “Republicans should do this, too”

                  Lemmy: ten zillion downvotes

                  Haters gonna hate.

    728 months ago

    “So, Nicki Haley?”

    [suddenly all the Trumpets cast their vote for an over-75 primary presidential candidate]

    It’s just empty hand-wringing.

  • MushuChupacabra
    708 months ago

    Ya good luck extracting Trump from your party. I’ll be like trying to extract botfly larvae from under your scalp.

  • plz1
    498 months ago

    Nope, should’ve thought about that before getting in bed with him. Now they have to carry him to term.

      198 months ago

      Trump (recently) received the nomination from his party, while Biden dropped out before the DNC. I could be wrong but I think it’s a little more problematic for him to drop out, although perhaps that’s just related to RNC self-imposed rules and not any actual laws.

        178 months ago

        IMO doesn’t matter whether they can or can’t, they already attacked Biden for doing it as if he actually was nominated, so that fully puts them into hypocrite land if they do.

        But oh wait, they don’t give a fuck about that.

        • KillingTimeItself
          68 months ago

          republicans will immediately engage in cognitive dissonance if it means they can make a funny haha argument for something

    458 months ago

    It’s going to be hillarious to see them trying to get rid of him.
    There is not enough popcorn on this continent for that.

  • wia
    388 months ago

    Who are the absolute muppets that want an older than 75 president!? Here I am hoping for laws limiting it to like 60 max…

    358 months ago

    I think they see how dropping Biden has significantly benefited the Democrats and hope the same would happen for then if they dropped Trump.

    The problem for them with that is that Trump will never willingly step down. Unlike Biden he’s in it for himself and has everything to lose its he doesn’t win. This would also be guaranteed to result in crippling infighting in the party and with Trump trying to go independent.

    The Republican party is f’ed. That’s what you get for selecting a selfish lunatic to lead it.

        78 months ago

        We absolutely need to vote, but I’m worried that some of these R swing states are going to pull some serious shit and just deny certifying the results.

        We’re going to hear a whole bunch about “immigrants voting illegaly” and “ballot stuffing” or the good ol’ “the numbers (that we won’t provide) don’t match up! Dead people are voting!”

        • KillingTimeItself
          28 months ago

          they tried to pull alternate electorates in the 2020 election, and it didn’t work.

          If they’re swing state, they probably won’t i think. Because there would likely be some kind of massive poltiical uprising in response to blatantly overthrowing electorates like that. It would likely be deeply unpopular.

          it’s a concern, for sure, but unless they try to pull some real bullshit, i don’t think it’s a massive concern.

          This also doesn’t even discount proposing fraudulent votes, which im not sure would matter from a legal perspective, but if you’re just, lying about votes that you’re submitting, i wouldn’t be surprised if that was not exactly, clean.

    • Flying SquidOP
      118 months ago

      The other problem is their convention is over. But I suppose they do have until August 7th to make the Ohio ballot with someone else. Good luck with that, guys.

      • Match!!
        27 months ago

        if the Ohio republicans accidentally eat their own faces with their bullshit august 7 deadline, i might start believing in America again

      88 months ago

      It would indeed be better for the GOP if Trump stepped down, but of course the GOP decided that they ARE Trump, so they’re stuck with him for the rest of his life.

    • This so what people are saying…what people are talking…look…Obama wasn’t a…if Obama was my age he would…sleepy Joe Biden would be rambling…not speaking in a coherent…oh boy biden…he has to be the worst…this is what people are saying…I’m probably the best orator out here today…the bestest because Obama Hussein and laffin kaMALA…sleepy Joe who stole the election…

  • KillingTimeItself
    308 months ago

    oh no, if they get rid of trump, and replace him with someone else that would be a subversion of democracy!!!

      7 months ago

      Totally ending democracy. Which is bad. Trump said HE would end Democracy, which is good. But the Democrats sound like Democracy. which is bad, but “ending Democracy” is a way you can attack democrats, which is good. But Trump said he would be ending democracy, which is good. But we can eat ice cream, which is good, but we’re out and only have frozen yogurt, which is bad, but we have crushed up cookies and sprinkles, which is good. But the cookies have arsenic in them. Which is bad. But they are sugar free, which is bad, unless you have diabetes, which is also bad, you don’t have diabetes, which is good, but you have PRE diabetes, which is bad, but you can get out of work for extra doctors visits, which is good, but you have to pay the co-pay. Which is bad. But your wallet is old leather and smells like your grandpa, which is good. But your grandpa died 14 years ago, which is bittersweet, and a touch melancholy.

    298 months ago

    So, now they want to change the ballot after they had their convention and picked their nominee? Isn’t this what republicans were screaming was illegal for the dems to do? Except that the dems hadn’t picked their nominee officially yet?