In a YouGov poll conducted between July 25-29, 59 percent of Republicans surveyed said they would prefer a president under the age of 75. Trump celebrated his 78th birthday in June. Forty percent said they had no preference, and just two percent said they would prefer a president over the age of 75.

    -278 months ago

    We must remember that Biden is a politician who arguably plagiarised lines of a speech from Kinnock, sinking his '87 campaign.

    He’s not some paragon of virtue and perfection.

    His greatest achievement is also working with the Republicans. And look at how much respect that got him from that party.

    • KillingTimeItself
      58 months ago

      dude i think every politican ever has plagiarized a speech. Even fucking trump, although i think it was ivanka? Idk, she stole michelle obamas speech iirc.

      Also 87 was literally 35+ years ago.

        -27 months ago

        Okay, so we can’t judge Biden on reasonable standards, or what he did when he was being a politician in the past. Got it.

        • KillingTimeItself
          17 months ago

          yeah and 35+ years ago hating gay people was normal, i dont think gay marraige was legalized, the queer community quite literally did not exist in the capacity it does now.

          Women certainly didn’t have the same rights they do now, the 80s was only 20 years post civil rights act, should i keep going?

          Would you like me to criticize you for things you did when you were 10? Because that’s essentially what you’re arguing here.

          It’s fair to criticize biden for the 93 crime bill, in retrospect, and in vacuum. It’s unfair to say that biden is the worst president in the world because he made a bad crime bill once over 20 years ago.

          90’s america was going through one of if not the worst violent crime spurs in a long time during the 90s. You simply can’t correlate the two of them.

            17 months ago

            Would you like me to criticize you for things you did when you were 10? Because that’s essentially what you’re arguing here.

            Would you like to say that a politician in his 40s has the same lack of responsibility as a child?

            • KillingTimeItself
              17 months ago

              go ask any 80 year old whether they were doing the same thing in their 40s as they are now in their 80s. Go ask them if they feel like the same person, go ask them if they feel like they’ve changed at all.

              the point was quite literally me just arguing HOW much can change in a period of even 20 years, let alone 30 or 40 years. Childhood to 20 is a relatively small, but significant jump, similar to 40-80