In a YouGov poll conducted between July 25-29, 59 percent of Republicans surveyed said they would prefer a president under the age of 75. Trump celebrated his 78th birthday in June. Forty percent said they had no preference, and just two percent said they would prefer a president over the age of 75.

        • teft
          218 months ago

          They wouldn’t throw him in prison even if he could get there. They would put him on one of their propaganda “news” channels and let him go to town. They can subtitle whatever they want for the locals so he can say whatever.

          But he’ll never get there. He has a permanent secret service escort that probably isn’t going to be cool with defecting to russia.

      • Sabata
        88 months ago

        A good plan B if he was capable of planning on his own.

      • Pennomi
        78 months ago

        I highly doubt the Feds would allow that.

      298 months ago

      I’m not so sure I agree that he will be held accountable for his actions if he doesn’t win. I think he still narrowly avoids prison even if he doesn’t win, or maybe only spends like 3 days maximum in prison, sadly.

      • I really don’t think his Supreme Court is going to allow him to have a custodial sentence. They showed they were fully on the Trump train by finding immunity in the constitution when it plainly reads otherwise.

      • Flying SquidOP
        168 months ago

        There’s also the possibility of house arrest. I’ll take that.

          218 months ago

          It doesn’t seem like a real consequence. Also, what if he breaks it? Will there be a consequence for that? I don’t see it happening.

          38 months ago

          For most people, it would be a horrible punishment to be forced to spend your older years at one of his resorts*… surrounded exclusively by people who are happy to support him financially.

          *or maybe “resort”, anybody know if you can stay at any impeached ex-presidential resorts besides mar-AHHHH!!!-lago?


          • Flying SquidOP
            38 months ago

            surrounded exclusively by people who are happy to support him financially.

            I think you greatly overestimate who would plan on sticking around if Trump ended up disgraced after the election and under house arrest. He will have completely outlived his usefulness.

          • KillingTimeItself
            38 months ago

            i think the reason it’s considered a resort is because hes only allowed to stay there for like 30 days at a time, no longer. Since it’s not legally considered to be a “private residence” and that has something to do with it’s tax status i think? Which i think is also due to it’s zoning status.

            I believe this is pretty common amongst rich people who own multiple properties.

        128 months ago

        He is not a healthy man, Trump will die before he’s held accountable for anything. He’s lived a long life of being a terrible person and the only consequence he’ll face for it is the stress of court cases through his final years and the knowledge that only 40ish% of voters would vote for him again.

          18 months ago

          Nah, the miracle of modern medicine with being able to afford the best doctors in the world will keep him for many years to come.

      27 months ago

      I think it’s because he knows that if he is elected he’ll be President until old age and unhealthy living kill him, whether that’s two years from now or twenty.

      “You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians,” he said.

      And who knows what the remaining government of Trumpistan will choose to do for his replacement after that.