Recipe adapted from Betti Bossi.
Preheat 400f
Blind bake a crust for 15 minutes or until it is very lightly golden.
Blanche (ok, microwave) 200g frozen peas, then run under cold water. Drain well.
Toss peas with 1 TBS Balsamic, 2 TBS olive oil, and 1 TBS Mustard. Some herbs are nice too, I used Bärlauch (literally “bear garlic”) and some savory. Set aside.
In a bowl: 1 small log of goat cheese, and enough cottage cheese to total 250g. 2 eggs. Salt and pepper. Mix well.
Add egg mixture to pie crust, bake for 10 minutes.
Add the peas and dressing on top of the tort, bake another 10-15 minutes.
Let cool at least slightly, but it’s nice anywhere from piping hot to room temp.
En guete!
“pea pie” sounds like potty talk.