Look Chunkystyles, I can see you’re really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over.
For a Puerto Rican street dog, she sure has taken to the New England winter.
I didn’t get a picture of the snout rub, but this should answer your question.
Somehow I doubt he has gotten the message.
As long as they don’t Chris Dorner their Richard Jewell.
Small victories.
And he’s also a cop, so guess which side he would be on
It was!
The recipe is Swiss, from a popular series of cookbooks called Betti Bossi, I believe Germans and Austrians have versions as well.
Wähe (pronounced vai-hey) is the base recipe, and the sweet ones are lovely and custardy. There are also savory versions that are more quiche-like.
Short answer: Falconry. The Behind the Bastards RFK Jr episodes give a much longer answer and are worth checking out.
Dialekt aus Kanton Konnecticut.
I guess I haven’t seen it written out very often. My Swiss half agrees that I am wrong but spells it Zwätschgä.
I hope she does too!
I mean, for large enough values of “front,” the front did fall off.
Good thing they got it out of the environment.
You thinking too small as far as Farve goes, Welfare Fraud to the tune of seven digits is more like it.
Neither can socks.
Caleb Carr.
It’s really good, but at the same time so infuriating that I had trouble sleeping after watching an episode.
The generator we hooked up to her coffin after my risotto experiments (pressure cooker, cottage cheese) may solve the renewable energy crisis.
Nice to know the name, I think I remembered to add some cream to the eggs to help them emulsify, and would have deglazed with wine if I had had some, but thepasta water did pretty well saucing it up.
In my mind, the carbonara is the method of cooking the eggs using the heat of the pasta. The amounts were mostly eyeballed or controlled by the amount that I had in the icebox.
It was tasty, if not traditional.
Without your space-helmet, Chunkystyles? You’re going to find that rather difficult.