Public schools are not private property
Public schools are not private property
Yeah it If you see a link like https://discord.gg/abcdefg123456 it is likely an invite to someone’s server. I don’t see how that could get your email address though.
I read that most of the candidates in the recent GOP debate supported it or deflected.
I think adding lanes helps up to a point but after that just creates more problems. Here are a couple problems with adding lanes:
It assumes that everyone drives efficiently. For example, that everyone knows exactly where they’re going and if they’re in the left lane to go fast that they start migrating over to the right lane well in advance of their exit. But this is not true and instead causes people to panic swerve across 10 lanes while slowing down in order to get to their exit. Anyone who has been driving for a few years has seen this happen. Multiply this problem by the number of idiots on the road, and again by the number of exits. And having more lanes makes this a bigger problem because it has a higher capacity for more of these idiots to exist, and more “obstacle” lanes between them and their goal (not to mention more victims in those right lanes).
If you don’t expand the lanes across all the exits from this super highway, traffic will still back up because the traffic cannot smoothly flow out to the rest of the city where people are trying to go. This backs up traffic on the highway itself. It’s like having a clogged artery. And expanding those roads is not always an option if it’s already in a heavily developed part of a city. If there’s no room due to buildings, you simply cannot add lanes.
In addition to the zoning and walkability suggestion someone else made, I would propose that more alternate routes (even if not as direct a route) can help offload traffic especially at peak times, and is a much more feasible solution in the short term for our country that is built around private vehicle transportation. This is also an effective solution if you add tolls to one of those routes and increase the speed limit. It has the side benefit of funding other city projects, and acts as a sort of tax for people who want to go fast. The lazy implementation of this that I’ve seen in some places (including in Texas) is to add toll express lanes on the same highway. I see this as mostly a money grab but does not help much, if at all, with congestion. It’s more like a streaming service raising their subscription costs just because they can.
the city of Yekaterinburg, almost 2,000km (1200 miles) east of Moscow
I think it’s funny that there’s so little in Russia that the nearest recognizable landmark is 1200 miles away.
What is the burden if I wanted to host a node and limit access just to myself? Is it just a portal into the rest of the fediverse or is there a large maintenance burden or storage requirement?
I’m sure Disney could just keep giving them those passes for free if they felt like it
In addition to the other person who replied to you, I also wanted to point out that the firefighters did not say they were only firefighters for that Disney pass perk, just that it was the main reason they worked in that specific location. If they didn’t get that perk, I’m sure some of them have other stations closer to their home or would prefer to move somewhere less crowded or with better traffic on their daily commute. The Disney to I Drive area of Orlando is traffic/tourist hell. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to work there without some special benefits.
Same. My solar panels made it a no-brainer, and it just keeps getting better.
Only the ones with philosophy degrees
I thought Marvel’s Secret Invasion had an interesting quote on this that I’ll paraphrase: nothing makes humans stronger than uniting against a common enemy, but as soon as that enemy is gone, they always devolve into tribal bickering again. It’ll be a miracle if we ever reach Star Trek levels of global unification and peace.
Yes, it would only be considered hypocritical if they are making the assertion that everyone should be allowed to foster children regardless of their beliefs and whether or not they intend to impose them on the children. But that’s not what they are saying.
That sounds like a great program, but what do they do with kids who are allergic to dogs?