Kimmel may as well include Pat McAfee in the lawsuit for funding this trash and giving it a disinformation platform
Redditfugee. Missing Daystrom and Oney Plays. Let’s grow this up
Kimmel may as well include Pat McAfee in the lawsuit for funding this trash and giving it a disinformation platform
That sounds awesome! Does he only sell within the confines of Michigan? I’m in Chicago myself, that sounds like an amazing brewery y’all have there
I can’t get a bead on this guy. I know he actually believes in Covid vaccinations, he followed through on the voice of his constituents by enshrining abortion access, and now he’s advocating for trans youth and he’s a REPUBLICAN?!?!? On social issues he passes the vibe check, yet somehow still a Republican. I don’t get it
Alright Ronna, you’ve been facing MAGA pressure for your ouster the past few months, here’s your chance to do the right thing (hell of an ask for a Republican) / get payback
Based and anti-corpo pilled
Had a brief look at r/WorldNews yesterday. Every comment was blatantly disgusting Islamaphobia that I couldn’t believe hadn’t been deleted yet. I don’t ever remember it being that bad over there
Yo you might’ve dropped this, King 👑. This post is the best way of putting into words my thoughts on the matter that I’m too smoothbrained to formulate into creation. Especially the last paragraph, the theft of “good Internet”. Fuckin A, m8
“Less Talk, More Rock” and “How To Clean Everything” by Propagandhi were released damn near 30 years ago and sadly that shit is still relevant
How in the flying fuck is Ken Paxton still in office again???
Shit. This sucks. RIP, Benny from New Vegas
AWWW YYYEEE the epic saga continues
These are great. Looks like the cops that Batman returned the iPads to probably donated these to Trump for his criminal defense fund. “Back The Blue”, yeah sure, right into an active volcano
Lemmy… you have finally arrived. This iPad AI meme is so fucking stupid, I can’t help but love it. Thanks for listening
“Norwegian Ryan Gosling in the role of a lifetime”
I love all of these. Fuck the haters KEEP GOING
That’s mah BOI Hank!
Fair enough, I agree to these terms
I’m not too well versed on Whitmer’s political stance, but she keeps pissing a certain kind of people off. She could be some milquetoast lib for all I know but this is clearly a win, amirite? I can’t conceive of how any village elders who trot about PROTECT CHILDREN could possibly object to this. Couldn’t happen in my America
No worries dude, that could’ve been my bad for all I know