They are overrated anyways.
They are overrated anyways.
King of Prussia seats (center-ish and towards the back) are basically reserved out until August. Even if you want to drive out there you’ll have to wait. That’s how rare these projectors are lol.
You might try to not be an asshole to them and invite them in. You’d probably be able to get them more on biased with solar. But then you’d have to give up the opportunity to be a snarky troll.
Imagine believing you’ll be immune from reactions to stupid comments if this place is successful 🤣
Nah I’d rather call you twats. You people are always so triggered by the fedora. Git out 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Big old helping of copium in this thread
I bought my house my thirties 3 years ago and pay $600 a year for family insurance.
The size of your fedora must be huge!
God I can’t wait for this place to get normal human beings and I can get a feed without this garbage.
I would kill myself if I wrote that. Jesus. Christ.
3.6%. Are numbers a fucking joke to you people. It’s clear most of you have never been in a management or business ownership role.
Lololol oSs is free and SeKuR3 cause rainbows and kittens.
Lol no it doesn’t. It happens weekly, all the fucking time.
Source: I’ve been developing oss software for 20 years and have had to push hundreds of teams to fix their vendors bin.
Chill == I ain’t got shit to say 🤣
This is wrong and ignorant. It happens all the fucking time. Software vendor supply chain is a huge fucking issue.
Christ, tell me you have no idea what your talking about with 1 sentence vibes.
I have this one truck the banks don’t want you to know about!
You know what, it’s only 530 here but you’ve really made a good effort at most ignorant post of the day award.
As if you are the first kid who thought their parents can’t learn, don’t deal with the issues, and can’t empathize 🤣.
I’m 40 and could explain to you how AI works and have a better model how it’s going to affect kids lives.
This is peak I’m 14 nobody understands me meme in nutshell.
Just 10 years ago you could get a car for around $22,000 now that same car is $45,000 and the materials are less expensive then they where then. Don’t get me wrong I understand price increases, been a thing for years. What I don’t understand is why someone would pay up to $75,000 for a truck that cost 35,000 just a 5 years ago when the quality has gone downhill.
That’s probably fucked up reddit formatting I’ll figure it out it out.
Anyway, thats not the case, not even what is cited above.
Users prefer decked out cars. A 75k truck is incredible comfortable, going to have nice leather cooled seats, high end stereo and nice infotainment.
You can still buy a cheap truck. Nobody but fleets do that.
In addition a 22k car, let’s take the Impreza for example is an absurdly nice car compared to 10 or 20 years ago. Even the base model has AA/car play, Bluetooth, electric windows, and twice as many airbags. Your comment about quality has zero merit.
I honestly don’t care. It’s all resold analytical metadata and they just serve ads. The rest just makes the products and apps better. For the vast majority of users privacy has nothing to do with safety.
Quite, you uncultured troglodyte.