They probably just came from a holiday, give them a break!
The extremely brainwashed ones would probably say it’s not because you can only genocide humans and those brown Arabs aren’t really human.
Source: I’m a brown Arab and I’ve been told that on multiple occasions.
In defense of trump, it’s what white jesus wants
Foreign-born? You mean immigrant!
Should i work a soul crushing job and starve? Or not work a soul crushing job and starve? Such a hard choice!
It’s all based on the same mathematical model. And since it’s not profitable to make real progress in technology when you’re already making money from it, it’s all a very similar concept of the same technology. Capitalism sure is swell 🙃
The unchecked cancer is spreading? Shocker!
Tired to be in the party of protesting, so she joins the party they’re protesting against? Weird logic
“I’ve decided having black eye is illegal. Now hold still as i punch you in the eye” -the people making up those same laws probably
Why would their god send a murderous hurricane then protect them from it? Feels like mafia tactics to make people rely on it.
P.s. the second ‘it’ refers to their god
Saudi Arabia isn’t a person. I hate it when news titles aren’t specific enough. Is it the government that bought them? A private company? Just a dude that happens to be Saudi? The implications can change drastically based on who bought it.
Also the article link isn’t working for me so all i got is the title. And as most people that’d see it, they’d also only read the title, this type of simplification can lead to a lot of misinformation. Or worse, racism, as you combine a whole country and its people to one entity which is dehumanizing. I’m speaking from experience as a Saudi person who’s always grouped with the “saudi” or "Arabic " or “brown” groups instead of another human being.
In short, news should stop generalizing and be more specific, especially in the titles, the part that most people will interact with.