If they haven’t done all this until now, what makes you think they’ll do it then?
The rich will get off unscathed with a blank canvas to work on, and the poor will pay the price, just like with every other market crash.
If they haven’t done all this until now, what makes you think they’ll do it then?
The rich will get off unscathed with a blank canvas to work on, and the poor will pay the price, just like with every other market crash.
Is this suddenly a teenager platform whenever you want to infantilize the ones you disagree with?
But, you know, after the economy revives by state simping for the private banks, maybe we’ll discuss it then
“Voting with your wallet” means fuck all when some people’s wallets are hundreds of thousands times bigger
Also add IzzyOnDroid for newer packages
First off, I’ll start with the fact that PASOK ruined the country by spending massive loans with ridiculous irresponsibility, that’s Greece’s fault not Europe’s.
After that, Greece was now filled with debt it couldn’t pay off. Obviously not wanting to go bankrupt, the only way forward was taking another loan in order to “breathe air into the economy”. However, the Bailout Programmes actually did everything but that. By forcing Greece to put massive taxes on people and businesses, cutting wages and pensions, worsening work conditions, cutting social spending, the people were brought to their knees unable to get up. When no one has money, it’s only natural that innovation completely stops, no one risks opening a business, banks don’t risk giving out loans, and society crumbles while the common folk starve.
You might ask, was it a mistake, was the IMF stupid? Not at all. They were very successful in mitigating their own risks from Greece going bankrupt or leaving the Eurozone, mainly in erasing their dependency on Greek bonds. They never cared about our country or them getting their money back, they just cared about keeping us in a depression as long as their banks stay unaffected.
You can start by watching a few Greekonomics videos that are very objectively pointing out the way you are enslaving our country for your benefit and pinning the blame on us. You are piling us up on debt and enforcing rules against the people and small businesses, making it impossible for any real growth to happen when none of the simple people have enough money to spend on new businesses and goods. You are supporting the politicians that are in favor of your measures, because the Greek people work like dogs to create value that you will reap, and the government and rich class get to keep the change.
Please educate yourself before talking about other people’s countries
Remind me, was Marx a part of the struggling proletariat?
The answer is no, he was a human being that cared about others besides him and his own.
Elrond has changed much since peace was restored to Middle Earth
No idea, I hope they all belong to one instance so they can be easily defederated.
Go back to your shitty capitalist platforms if putting profits over people is something you agree with, you’re not welcome here.
I actually am, usually companies force their shit down the consumers throats and they happily gulp it down, buying their new products when they come out as well. This is a pleasant surprise to me
Living as a Service
Stable genius
The sad part is that it wasn’t always like this. Hunter gatherer communities cared for their pack (with a few exceptions, like sick and disabled members that can’t keep up) because if the pack survives then they will survive as well. But with the advent of agriculture, individualism popped up more and more, the good of all no longer meant as much.
I wish it didn’t but historically and logically speaking, there’s no other way. The unethical stone cold people rise to the top, and the few who are powerful yet maintain their morals are not nearly powerful enough to fight the rest. Critical change has always come about with revolutions, either violent or technological. And I don’t think technology can improve anything for us at this point, if anything it will make things harder.
Being able to use the phone and scanning through all your social media are two completely different things
Please never reproduce, thanks
The company, shareholders, customers can all suck a dick.
No one will die if their feature gets delayed a few weeks.
The potential monetization being the donations to give them a living wage? What exactly is the criticism about, that they shouldn’t get a living wage through donations and should rather make the platform paid or ruin it with ads?
Why do so many people get off on attacking the idea of FOSS, much of the software that is running our everyday lives is supported through FOSS (and lots of them are also being donated to so that the devs can afford to put food on their tables).
There are also many devs (on Lemmy as well) that contribute a lot without being paid, simply because they like the project, want to make it better, and want to learn by doing.