your own fault. get a nuclear reactor next time d’uh…
your own fault. get a nuclear reactor next time d’uh…
They did it before and they’ll do it again.
installing your own OS and/or bootloader is a pain and most of the time unfeasable. And that’s the only way to safely kill software based backdoors.
wouldn’t make that consent even harder? or imply wars?
e.g. Brazil. Imagine they got the last lumber on earth, they’d have to choose between preserving their last trees and incredible wealth by selling it. I can’t imagine a poor country to choose the former.
I don’t believe a CEO or King is necessary for short sighted action. Humans are just very bad at sustainable long-term decisions.
I know a guy who owns a small forrest and when wood prices were skyrocketing due to supply chain disruption, he was tempted to sell more wood than planned. So he couldn’t sell as much in the following years. He has no boss, is not rich and makes his own decisions.
It’s a simple mechanism of supply and demand. I can’t see a reason why people wouldn’t cut down more trees than can grow back when demand is ultra high, other than force/legislation. And then people get angry because they won’t realize that they’d destroy their own business in the long run. A worldwide life-threatening situation won’t change that.
That’s exactly one of the premises in this paper: Deforestation and world population sustainability: a quantitative analysis.
Some say, the easter island model doesn’t scale worldwide but I don’t see a reason why it wouldn’t.
was first to report about israel’s nukes, exposed journalists on CIA payroll and various other great pieces of journalism.
It is a music magazine but I see far worse news sources on social media.
We live in the real world. If you don’t submit the government forms how they want you to, they shrug and fine the shit out of you.
Then you just don’t know the law. There is no legislation that enforces Acrobat in any civilized country without alternative.
Quite the opposite: Send macroridden documents to any decently secure infrastructure and you get a big fat warning in the subject if it’s not filtered entirely. Officials LOVE to do that extra call ensuring that this document is really from you before opening it and no phishing attempt…not.
Source: working >25 years in IT, >15 years for government IT
EDIT: we got some real Adobe Acrobat Fanboy here, eh? ;-)
how they would drain it.
Since a lot of land is below sea level, the Netherlands basically dry pump their country all the time anyway.
The world loves dutch pragmatism. “You don’t want this? Well, fuck it. We just do it that way then. Everyone happy? Fine. Done.”
Germans could learn a thing or two…
At least I hope you’re not.
Of course I do and I expect my employees to report such incidents to IT. Such documents are common attack vectors.
In my experience, customers are not aware of failing interoperability or possible security threats and often grateful for such hints.
There’s a reason why libreoffice (and I guess other office suits aswell), evince or antivirus show a big, fat warning when opening such documents. Surely there are cases were macros are useful or necessary, but if they have to leave the company, you’re doing it wrong.
This talk might be interesting for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F2xMw3987I
it’s the IAEAs responsibility to keep it safe but russia is blocking them.
Formulars, such as calculating a sum based on the preceding fields.
You’re doing it wrong. PDF with embedded javascript is a nightmare and it still doesn’t make PDF equal to excel.
Better generate your documents with your favourite HTML templating engine from your DB and convert them to simple PDF in the last step.
LibreOffice notoriously renders Microsoft Office documents incorrectly in my experience.
Only had that experience with badly designed, macro ridden documents which there’s no excuse for anyway nowadays. I use a lot of print templates (various label printers) and it works flawlessly.
Also, exporting a non MS file format usually imports fine in LibreOffice, even with complex documents.
The ability to quickly edit PDF makes it the office suite of my choice.
I doubt that’s a linux problem. All apps store config in /etc, ~/.*rc or ~/.config
Everything else should be considered a bug (looking at you, systemd!)
lol. better just use defender next time.
edit: or not use windows.