I’d recommend staying with your current distro if you’re happy with it!
I’d recommend staying with your current distro if you’re happy with it!
Also who writes “happy birthday husband” in a public tweet?
Absolutely, Outlook.com is by far the worst in this regard. I stopped running my own mail server a few years ago because it was just unbearable.
To me it seems pretty clear: withholding means you don’t get your mail delivered and cannot fetch it yourself at the post office, while “not delivering” means just that: you don’t get your mail delivered.
So it was all just a marketing stunt to get in the news? Look how much our employees LOVE the Game pass, you should get one, too!
Yeah, such a weird editorialization - it’s a huge trade-off, making such a feature completely unacceptable for me personally.
I subscribed to YouTube Premium a few days ago, after being a long-time Spotify subscriber. It really does seem like a viable alternative… except for the lack of something like Spotify connect. I can’t even control the playback on my computer or TV from my phone. It’s like every YouTube Music device is on their own, knowing nothing about the others. With Spotify I could seamlessly continue the playback of the song I was listening to in my car on my phone and later on the smart speaker in my apartment.
Can confirm for German (“das Zuhause” - “ich bin Zuhause”)