Yes, I would die trying to save children even if I wasn’t armed at all let alone it being the job I was fucking trained for. You are a disgusting coward. Fuck off with this shit.
Yes, I would die trying to save children even if I wasn’t armed at all let alone it being the job I was fucking trained for. You are a disgusting coward. Fuck off with this shit.
Yeah the echo chamber / groupthink here is kinda not great. Hopefully it gets better as the platform grows
More succinct questions would be: How many illegal border crossings with the intent to stay in the US permanently is an issue? 100k/month? 50k? 10k? None?
This is reductive
Not sure if you got the reference but I’ll post anyway !
You can’t just say “perchance.”
Just chiming in to say I appreciate seeing these reasonable takes
Yes this is generally true but I don’t feel like it’s fair to the colleges/universities who work to keep tuition and tuition increases in check. There are lots of decent public universities that have more reasonable tuition. The public university in my smallish city is about 10k a year for in-state. Not necessarily saying that’s ideal for everyone or cheap but it’s a far cry from these places pushing it to 40, 60, 100+k a year.
Ehh I’ve seen much worse before AI get more up votes/views.
Funded by Washington who get the money from higher taxes on these fucks
Right, but are we supposed to muster up sympathy for people who follow influencers getting fatigued from following influencers? Really not trying to be snarky just curious
Care to elaborate? Was everything more expensive than competitors in you area or just certain things?
Right, just that the new “good” economy is even worse than the old “good” economy! Cheers everyone!!
Keeping a recipe up while cooking for 20+ minutes is something I do frequently. Seems the iPhone would kinda annoying to try to use for this. Android has a 30m option and that’s just fine.
I think this argument is kind of a misconception. Just because an EV drivetrain has fewer moving parts than an ICE doesn’t necessarily mean it’s more reliable. There is a decent AP article from November 2023 that touches on this and suggests that EVs are actually far more unreliable than traditional ICE vehicles. I would link it but I can’t figure out how to remove all the tracking junk from the URL.
Regardless I really like the idea of one day owning an EV so I hope most of these issues will be worked out as the technology matures.
Because they are relatively new in the automotive world. I can take my '08 CRV to just about any auto parts store in America and get just about any part I need (or take it to about any third party repair shop with the same results). Good luck doing that with most EVs especially Teslas. Tesla is the most egregious example as they are anti right to repair and have seemed to take a page out of Apple’s book as far as locking down their supply chain for parts.
Hopefully this will get better with time as third party shops have time to acclimate themselves and their technicians to EV architecture, and EV-specific parts become more available. Though the latter I feel is highly dependent on manufacturers not trying to turn EVs into phones in terms of repairability/serviceability.
In the meantime, as an average Joe without a lot of money, I really like the idea of keeping my relatively low cost older ICE vehicles because if shit hits the fan, if I can’t fix it relatively cheaply, there will likely be multiple shops that can without it costing me an arm and a leg and/or taking weeks or months to wait on the manufacturer to supply the parts needed.
Repairability is a big one for reasons not to get a new ev for me
Elden Ring would be cool!
I had been having a hard time getting motivated to play anything new over the last few months then saw a post about Dave the diver here on lemmy. Decided to try it out and it was just such a nice experience. Now I’m feeling a lot more motivated to try new games, mostly smaller indie-ish stuff.
I understand the arguments you’re making and the logic behind them. I just completely disagree. It’s a really bad take and your anology about cancer is not even a remotely relatable situation. I’m just going to assume you’re trolling and move on.