I’m thrilled that thou is amused by this humble jest, my fellow man of culture. May the ones and zeros thou’st uses to communicate carry more relics of the past for thou to smirk at.
I’m thrilled that thou is amused by this humble jest, my fellow man of culture. May the ones and zeros thou’st uses to communicate carry more relics of the past for thou to smirk at.
You were probably young when you saw this meme, so i’d imagine the majority of your life did pass since you saw it. Memes get old when we get old, but now their cool again, so we are too.
i feel like memes were too edgy for facebook back then
Wow this really takes me back :’ )
lol i saw somebody else comment about cleaning their belts with wet wipes, now i wonder why i didn’t think of that.
Do it brother, try out a “just works” distro like ubuntu or mint. I switched to linux 1,5 years ago, im never looking back again.
This is the way.
YouTube had a good humble beginning before monetization fucked everything up. It was a bad idea to begin with. For now, best stick with piped and all the apps that use piped as backend. NewPipe and LibreTube. Want to support a creator? Go buy merch or something. Dont give Google a second of your time.