This research only says that the glasses are probably unhelpful. As far as I know it’s still accepted that blue light is stimulating and can mess with sleep, cause headaches, etc.
deleted by creator
I (foolishly) assumed we were talking about the obviously morally abhorrent stuff.
I jumped the gun then with assuming it was the latter. My b.
Sounds like you and lefty are concerned with protecting illegal activity here? Fuck that. I’m not okay with Lemmy being a hub for society’s most trash individuals.
Watched this Kurzgesagt recently, a couple minutes in he basically explains how air acts “thicker” for smaller creatures like insects. They effectively do swim through the air!
You can’t paint such huge populations with a single paint brush, and even saying “generally” doesn’t cover your complete lack of empathy. Many or even most of those 16 million made choices that they thought were right at the time and tried to live good lives. You think these are the people that emptied pensions and raised prices and drilled the oil despite scientific warnings?
Sure, statically some of them did. But most of them did not. Most of them worked hard, harder than our generation, and provided for their families.
Having that much hostility for an entire population is no way to live your life.
Copy that, thank you!
I spun up Ubuntu on a Linode so it should be up all the time. I check the Linode dash fairly often and haven’t seen any issues with it.
This is also managed by IT and is fully traceable as well.
I have unlimited data on my cell and just stay off WiFi altogether. The price premium is worth it to me for this one specific reason alone, let alone the other benefits/convenience.
Source: work in IT.
Or being able to poop normally when you didn’t just eat Taco Bell.
Great composition and love the warm colors!
This warms my heart lmao
I’m in the discord, but unsure the best way to help. Other than just placing a pixel every 4 minutes to try and clean up the area you’ve shown.
Feels kinda “blind” though, I’m just making an educated guess where things should go. Is there a better way?
I think overall my social media time has gone down considerably, but my direct interaction (ie posting and commenting) has gone up.
For me it helps to know that somebody is actually going to read this comment and it won’t be buried under 1000 others. You usually had to get to a post pretty early on Reddit to have your comment be seen, and I mostly browsed /all.
Nothing has changed in the sense that the site is still there and people are posting, yea. But ever since the blackouts I noticed a decline in average post quality, more posts from fringe subs making it to r/all, more lazy reposts, etc.
To be clear, I’m sure Reddit will be around for a long time. But I don’t think it’s fair to say nothing has changed. Kinda gotta read between the lines a little.
? I mean the canvas would never conceivably remain blank for any amount of time. To say “no way redditors could pull this off” kinda implies that the whole of Reddit is mad at spez but we just can’t help paint on this little canvas.
It’s quite clear that many many users didn’t care about the API changes from day 1. They’re not holding anything back, they’re probably annoyed by the fuck spez spam which is an eyesore on the canvas (that I very much approve of).
So it was never going to remain blank, and I’m all for using the platform of Reddit to spread dissatisfaction about itself. (In this specific case anyway, I hadn’t visited the site in a week before hearing that place was back) Yea he’s getting some extra clicks from me today, sure, but this is another small knock to the site’s reputation. People notice, nobody wants to hang out in a place where everyone is bitching about how bad it is all the time.
So nah, I wouldn’t be delighted. Any revenue he’s receiving from users bastardizing his name is peanuts compared to the cost of users leaving.
Reddit isn’t going anywhere soon or probably ever, I know. But user sentiment and reputation can destroy social media sites over time, we’ve learned this already. Reddit is no more bulletproof than any of the sites before it.
That’s crazy I was just thinking a few days ago how funny it would be if they decided to do it again, and fuck u/spez got plastered all over it. Surreal that reality is a step ahead of me.
r/place from 2017 was one of the things that really pulled me into Reddit. I loved the idea and I appreciated the strong community engagement with it.
2022 was fun but disappointing to see mostly just MORE flags and big douchy streamers covering up some of the actually decent artwork with their logos.
And now again in 2023? I predict there’s no way this isn’t a dumpster fire and a big bold fuck spez will end up on the final version.
Someone else mentioned it below but we should REALLY use this opportunity to get more Lemmy exposure on there.
What subs do you think would be most on board? redditalternatives? that modcoordinator one? I will sign up as a pixel trooper, this could help spread awareness on how far Reddit sentiment has fallen.
Hey that $3 buys me the ability to daydream about my life as a multimillionaire for a couple days, before I crash back to reality slightly less satisfied than before!
I definitely don’t mind a tasteful saturation boost, this shot would be killer with or without it anyway! That sky is so surreal.
Great work, love it.