Why did I Google that man…
Why did I Google that man…
This is Batman’s technology.
He blatantly said in an interview, proud at that too, that he doesn’t pay tax and everyone should avoid paying too.
I knew it! I thought it to be impossible that planes can fly that close with each other without affecting each other. The air pressure (or whatever) would be affecting the flight of another plane if they are too close with each other.
I know right. Hahaha. Destined to be mad since birth.
Much salt. ಠ_ಠ
And they increased the fucking price for YouTube premium.
I live in Germany and the delivery cost here is max. 6€, usually 2-3€. Never found any delivery service more expensive than that. My bad…
15-20 USD for delivery service is really expensive man.
I’m scared to do torrent man. I didn’t care about it when I was in Indonesia. Now I live in Germany, and now I’m scared of doing it.
You’re right. There are other options though. Like oxygen therapy triptan, etc. I don’t understand why didn’t the doctor just prescribe the drug. Just let the patient sign an informed consent… especially if the patient isn’t pregnant and not planning pregnancy at the moment.
What is the medicine in question? Any other MD (or better, neurologist) here? As far as I know, most of the standard treatment for cluster headaches are safe for pregnant women…
Or ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yup. I think the “person” should be held accountable for their actions. The company would die, but the CEO would still get so much money out of this situation.
The problem is, I don’t think the CEO would be in anyway getting the consequences of their actions. Of the company is sinking, they will just “be fired” and get those extra money (like huge amount of money). The company will close and announce bankruptcy. The “person” isn’t punished.
Helldiver looks interesting. Mario paper and super mario Rpg got me excited. Definitely didn’t expect takes of arise got a story dlc.
By putting minimal time and effort? Good luck coming out of the surgery intact…