Charlie Sheen was assaulted in his Los Angeles home by a neighbour, police have announced. The woman charged was named as Electra Schrock. She was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon, force likely to create great bodily injury and residential burglary.
There’s definitely a lot more to this story. If she’s a neighbor of Sheen’s, she’s not some random deranged fan or anything. This was in Malibu, which is very expensive and was very expensive before this latest real estate crisis. This is a wealthy woman who had some sort of personal issue with Sheen.
I’m not trying to defend her actions or anything, they were obviously inexcusable. I just think this goes beyond ‘random crazy person.’
Could very well be a random crazy rich person.
Poor people are “crazy”. Rich people are “eccentric” 😉
The more money you have, the longer it takes for others to realize your elevator stopped going up a long time ago.
Others realize it, they just don’t say or do anything about it because of either wanting a piece or fear of retribution that the wealthy can afford.
This is definitely true, but it’s not like rich people aren’t also dangerous, unhinged criminals lol
See exhibit A: Charlie Sheen
I might lose my shit if I lived next to a rich cokehead with nothing but time on his hands, too.
The simple glaring fact that you assume money==sanity makes your comment completely useless. Think on that.
Where did I say that?
The only part where I even discussed anything related to sanity was here:
If she’s a neighbor of Sheen’s, she’s not some random deranged fan or anything.
And I stand by that prediction that she is not a random deranged fan.
The only thing I care about is that her name is Electra Schrock.
I wondered if the weapon was a Taser or cattle prod… But it says “deadly weapon” so maybe it was some kind of custom supervillain lighting gun.⚡
Yes and she was eventually detained when her batteries ran out.
At which point the police were forced to charge her
With all the cocaine Sheen has done over the years a Taser would probably be lethal.
I tried to look up what she looked like, and there are loads of people with that name.
Like all the Schrock families out there all thought of the exact same joke.
That’s a pretty supervillain-like name, or henchwoman at least.
I know right. Hahaha. Destined to be mad since birth.
How can you have a name like that and not have it changed to remove the c and the r? Electra Shock
She will not be known for making good decisions, that’s for sure.
Pretty sure that was one of the plot threads in 2.5 men
Damn it Rose
“Hey, neighbor.”
This story is Schrocking…
Sounds like Sheen was between a Schrock and a hard place…
Also starring Dwayne “The Schrock” Johnson. A Yiddish wrestler.
Famously retired after the association outlawed his eponymous move, ‘The Schrocker’
The chosen people’s elbow
What a interesting way to discover there’s a new show called Bookie and Sheen and Lorre have patched things up:
Sheen, whose chaotic personal life saw him depart his hit sit-com Two and a Half Men a dozen years ago, recently spoke with Deadline of his contentment in teaming up again recently with that show’s creator Chuck Lorre on Bookie, and how he’d be quick to say yes to another request from Lorre:
“If he decided, ‘Hey man, let’s finish how we started,’ if he said that, I’m asking where and when… And then whatever happens after that, whatever the results are, and if people love it or hate it, that’s out of my hands. But just on my observations, I have it on pretty good authority that they would enjoy it.”
I’m not super surprised they patched things up. Charlie Sheen revealed in 2015 that he contracted HIV in 2011, which was the same year he did all the stuff that got him fired. Would not be surprised if the diagnosis caused a breakdown.
He certainly seemed to be off the rails there. I was surprised at how much he bite the hand that fed him beyond the memes on Winning and Tiger Blood. I was a part time viewer of the show back when I still had cable so I was aware of some of it.
I read the indepth Deadline interview linked in the article. It had some interesting tidbits about his younger years in the business and his family too.
Hopefully he’s able to stay on the rails going forward.
Wow that’s nice to see that they repaired that relationship.
Charlie said some pretty mean shit about Chuck at the time and they tossed his ass out with good cause.
Sucked too because two and a half men was never the same.
Bookie is pretty funny
I just watched the first 7 episodes in the background. Fun in a rated R or HBO way. Big change from what I’ve been watching lately of Mr Belvedere, Parker Lewis, and 30 Rock. They were pretty sterile in relation.
“Where’s your cocaine!? I need your cocaine!”
“All I have is tiger blood!”
“Caveat Emptor - the Tiger Blood has AIDS. But it’s still Tiger Blood! RaWR!”
She’s after his tiger blood.
Electra? Could it be?!?
Trying to steal his Tiger Blood 🩸
WTF I really thought Charlie Sheen was dead.
Supervillain origin moment right there
Meeeeen! 🎶
Oh come on, that was funny, it’s not like the comment section here is affecting geopolitics we can crack jokes. You’ve got my up vote at least.
I’m out of the loop why are people downvoting this 2.5m joke?
I think it’s those 2.5 women fans.
Female Neighbour of HIV positive Charly Sheen. What could have happened there?
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Bro you make her sound like she’s Juggernaut from the X-Men hah!
However, if, while trying to strangle him, she yelled, “I’m the Juggernaut, bitch!” The court should give her some lenience based on that.
Do you even know if thats the correct person? The fuck are you doing you moron
No, he just googled saw a slightly larger woman and rushed to make a fat joke as quickly as possible.
I purposely picked the wrong person because all the correct hits are clearly labelled as such. The media is all over it.
Cool, thats a shit excuse to send anonymous hate to a complete stranger via an internet forum, good job.
You didnt even fuck up in a funny way, the punchline is harassing and mocking a completely innocent stranger for fuckall
Are you a US politician?
Yeah ok but who’s looking at this post? Like 10 people? None of whom are going to do anything but shake their head at my stupid bad joke?
Besides, how weird is it that two people have the same bizzare name?
I’ve edited my original post to satisfy you.
“Hey man its fine I randomly targeted and mocked a stranger! Odds are only 10, maybe 20 people believed my non-joke and went and harassed her for this! Besides, she deserved it. I think shes kinda fat, and her name is funny!”
Youre an evil little git, huh? You rip legs off of lizards as a kid? Sick fuck.
Wow. Lighten up Francis.
No one on Lemmy is going to “believe” that’s the perp. Especially with all the chit chat around the post and me saying that it’s not really them, and besides WTF is it anyone’s business to go harassing anyone for being weird to a celebrity neighbour, who doesn’t need their internet help?
I mean if anyone does that they are fucked in the head ANYWAY and certainly don’t need my help to fuck things up by them wading in for no reason.
I think you need to go outside and touch some grass.
If you believed a word of this your wouldnt have removed the photo and edited it to hide you mocking her.
Weak defense for dogshit behavior. And you know that.
My man, why are you posting her picture in here?
So he could make a fat joke.
Because it’s harmless and means nothing. And I was bored.
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