Alright man, I guess I’m a shit human being that’s not perfect and my words don’t matter because it seems that you’ve made up your mind about me as a person from one comment on the Internet.
Alright man, I guess I’m a shit human being that’s not perfect and my words don’t matter because it seems that you’ve made up your mind about me as a person from one comment on the Internet.
Eh, I said what I said when my emotions were high on this. Still against the death penalty though.
That’s great news! My last job ended up “forcing” employees to sign non-competes or forgo their bonuses. Glad I left right before this became a thing. Always wondered how they’d even keep track and enforce something like that.
I’m against the death penalty. But maybe whoever did this to the dolphin should also get to experience what it went through.
Hamas claims to have lost 6000 and the IDF has claimed the number is 12000. Either way it’s horrific that 32,000 innocent people have been killed. People that had no intention of attacking Israel. People who are just caught in between religious extremists. And it doesn’t seem like the IDF is stopping any time soon.
32,000 innocent people were killed in Gaza. That’s 32,000 “mistakes” right there.
Also why does the other vase only have some leaves coming out of it? And why is the liquid in it yellow?
Nah they should’ve just given him even less to pay. Make it $10 total and give him another month to come up with the money. That’s what they just did.
But what about Denim T-Rex?
This is that Charlie Kelley kind of logic.
Even if he does, it doesn’t even matter anymore. They’ll just find an excuse to say it’s alright if he does it. He’ll get some sort of leeway.
The legal system is doing EVERYTHING it can to delay literally everything for this man, just so that election time will creep closer and closer and they can just say, “oh it’s too close to election time and we can’t just cancel a Presidential candidate in the midst of all this”.
These exceptions will never be given to any normal citizen of the US, but when it’s this rich orange idiot, every rule in existence will bend.
And less innocent people being exonerated from prison. And less responsibility taken by the government and DA for putting innocent people in jail in the first place based on wrong evidence, bad evidence, and bad trials.
As if being “tough on crime” ever ended up working the way they promise it would. It’s only a phrase that they use to hype up the masses and win elections.
Yeah if it’s true that the guy got a gun and went at a cop then this isn’t your usual case of unwarranted police brutality.
I’ve maintained this idea for a while as well. It’s really only after Pichai took over that Google and Android both have started scrapping useful programs/apps/services, made needless change to make products worse, and in general just haven’t really innovated much at all. At least when compared to how the company was run when Larry Page and Erik Schmidt were running the company.
This dude has made Google boring.
Conformity? So then ultimately because the kid is black, he’ll never be able to “conform” since Texas has a majority white population. So the guy is pretty much saying that the kid’s in the wrong for just existing.
To be fair this isn’t just a Palestinian retaliation… It’s a Hamas retaliation. Even most Palestinians don’t want Hamas to be in charge. They’re stuck in the middle and suffer the most while extremist Israel and extremist terrorist group Hamas play war.
This is great! Now I wish they’d stop them from lobbying to make it seem like only TurboTax is the free or “best” way to do your taxes.
Competition is good but I really don’t want to pay $15 to $20 a month for 5 different streaming services just to ensure good competition.
Just can’t outright say that he’s wrong without fearing backlash from the rest of the MAGA cult.