Wow that’s a horribly shitty argument.
Wow that’s a horribly shitty argument.
France supports pedos and rapists openly so not the brightest example.
Isn’t the word for that “terrorists”?
Because you can’t express your opinions without tiktok?
Wow, now that’s a smart take.
Are you really suggesting that you expect CEOs to be competent? Scamming people and exploiting workers doesn’t require skills, except if immorality is one.
The fact that it even exists still shows how bad the state of programming is nowadays.
But cigarettes and alcohol are fine.
But considering the obvious lack of knowledge around AIs, it should have.
And a platform for you to complain about people who complain about capitalism
Funny as the internet was designed as being free.
Maybe just educate yourself a little. In general, not just about that.
Seems pretty mild and reasonable, to be honest.
Gosh, if only there was an in-between that doesn’t imply attacking people for things caused by diseases or genes, huh.
But sadly you can’t avoid supporting something bad, without being insulting, demeaning and discriminatory.
What a world we live in.
Sun gives cancer, alcohol too, plus a lot more shit.
Enjoying your life can be done in a non stupid way.
“I don’t agree with the nazis, but they are allowed to have opinions that we don’t agree with, I don’t understand the hate”
Yeah, no problem with that logic. Wanting a minority to die/not exist is just an opinion not worth disdain, that’s all, right?
The punishment will be less big than the profit, they won’t stop, as usual.
lol funny
And where then? It is about changing a part of the software, that fits quite clearly an issue/pull request
It’s like saying that if employees are paid and treated like shit, they should still work hard because the opposite would be immoral.
That’s bullshit, if AIs are crap because they train on unwilling people, it’s the company’s fault, not the people who are coerced into working for free.