Well, the thing is that they are right, and that’s what hurts.
Well, the thing is that they are right, and that’s what hurts.
Wait, I thought the decentralized version of Twitter was Mastodon
The good old “we were first, so we’re the only ones who belong here”, which always brings up the question, how far we want to go back in time to determine who really was first. There is no answer to this question, hence it’s the reason for so many conflicts across the globe and through history.
Classic “this is why we can’t have nice things” moment
Since the shutdown of SD on Colab
What happened? I’m out of the loop
The timing doesn’t really add up though. ChatGPT was published in November 2022. According to the graphs on the website linked, the traffic, the number of posts and the number of votes all already were in a visible downfall and at their lowest value of more than 2 years. And this isn’t even considering that ChatGPT took a while to get picked up into the average developer’s daily workflow.
Anyhow though, I agree that the rise of ChatGPT most likely amplified StackOverflow’s decline.
Yes, age alone shouldn’t lead to getting blacklisted. But if an instance is two days old, already 50+ accounts from there were banned on your instance for being bots and besides that there was no real contributions coming from that place, this might be a candidate for auto-blacklisting.
I don’t think that’s a non-issue. If you host an instance an can see everything on it, that’s one thing, but if everyone with an instance can see these things from all other instances, that’s a different story. That way literally everyone can see all your up and downvotes. That’s not the end of the world but that’s definitely an issue imo. I can already see people getting canceled not because of an old tweet but because they upvoted something controversial years ago lol.
I think these problems might be solvable with auto blacklisting instances based on their age, how their users behave and what % of comments and posts of them are flagged as spam
Posting a meme and getting no upvotes, is basically like making a joke and no one but you laughs about it. Shit hurts.
It’s a nice app, but I’m really wondering who came up with that name and why. That’s not how you name something if you want it to be successful.
I think I can see their point. As they said, fragile isn’t meant as a slur here. If after the tenth time it happens, this kind of thing breaks you, then you’re fragile because the nine times before that made you fragile. Which obviously isn’t your fault but the fault of the people who were assholes to you.