At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your kitchen?
At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your kitchen?
Ok well pregnancy accommodations is covered by Title IX and any institution receiving federal funds are required to preform yearly Title IX training and have a Title IX coordinator. If you are an instructor and a student tells them they are pregnant the right response is to have the student go to the Title IX coordinator for accommodations. Not say “motherhood is not for the faint of heart.” How I know? I did my Title IX training yesterday, so it’s fresh on my mind.
Sounds like that school is going to be looking for a new Title IX coordinator and or doing Title IX training. Pretty dumb of the school because the accommodations she was seeking wasn’t unreasonable too.
This made me nauseous only because I can actually see it happening.
Hopefully Steam reply, “Hey Senator, what’s with all the Nazis in congress?”
I hope they don’t, I applied for a federal job that was offering remote work and flex scheduling which would be a big help in my life. I’m having to help take care of my mom as she gets older and I can’t just up and move to DC.
You beat me to it.
What fresh hell is this that capitalism has brought us.
The face I made when I read that title and it was not good.
Lame, now Etsy is just going to be a wish or temu resalers hawking cheaply made goods, crack down on that instead Etsy.
That’s some real evil shit right there.
I just always figured when I went through one of those was someone was looking at my junk, pervs.
Millennials are killing the serial killer industry.
What fresh hell this is!
Fuck yeah.
Is that what they’re calling cop city now?
Maybe they should look under residential schools for the culprit, I’m sure they’re hiding down there wink wink.
I swear this looks like Hungary.