Georgetown University Law Center is facing scrutiny over its handling of a pregnant student’s request for exam accommodations.

Brittany Lovely, a second-year law student, is expecting her first child during the upcoming exam period and sought to take her exams either early or remotely. The university initially denied these requests, citing concerns about fairness among students.

Lovely described the situation as “extremely disrespectful” and felt that the university’s suggestion to bring her newborn to campus during exams so she could breastfeed her baby, with minimal recovery time, was unreasonable and insensitive.

A school leader also allegedly told her, “motherhood is not for the faint of heart.”

    394 months ago

    Sounds like that school is going to be looking for a new Title IX coordinator and or doing Title IX training. Pretty dumb of the school because the accommodations she was seeking wasn’t unreasonable too.

      264 months ago

      Law schools get absolutely stupid about the ritual of exams. Some of that is because every law school class has some ambitious and devious people in it who will try to cheat if they think they can get away with it, but a lot of it is because law is dominated by old assholes with distorted memories about how much they suffered and how hard they had to work back in the day and see it as their duty to inflict that imagined suffering on the next generation.

        164 months ago

        Ok well pregnancy accommodations is covered by Title IX and any institution receiving federal funds are required to preform yearly Title IX training and have a Title IX coordinator. If you are an instructor and a student tells them they are pregnant the right response is to have the student go to the Title IX coordinator for accommodations. Not say “motherhood is not for the faint of heart.” How I know? I did my Title IX training yesterday, so it’s fresh on my mind.

          74 months ago

          Some people suck, definitely, but most people I’ve met in my life have been pretty good. The problem is that the sucky people are very determined to become powerful and inflict their suck on the rest of us.

        • Prehensile_cloaca
          14 months ago

          Homonyms, people. I somehow doubt this lady did a whipstitch over her student loans.

          “Sued” means to take legal action against a person or organization, usually to seek money or justice for harm caused.