• 2 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2024

  • The mother looks like a Karen and her kids behave like little karens.

    I’ll throw the first stone, yes, I’ve shamefully spent money on games. Mostly mobile games, where it’s far worse than Roblox and World of Tanks combined. I play 8-Ball from Miniclip and they shove ad after ad after ad at you to buy chips, buy chests, buy cues .etc

    They have mini-games like Lucky Shot, where you have to hit the ball into one of the targets. Doesn’t matter how soft you hit it, it’s a bitch to get the ball into the target zone. They have a spinning wheel for chips, it ALWAYS lands on the lower valued number. Always. Like, all of these obviously rigged tricks and scams into the game. And you finally play a game or two and you’ll run into players with the best shit who’ll win games over you in seconds. Because they’ve got the better shit. It’s just hard to compete with the whales.

    These mobile games like to make you feel special at first. But if you play it long enough, you will hit a wall. And when you hit that wall, it’s like dealing with a constant panhandler, only in the form of this game, where they want you to pay and pay.

  • They’ve also restored the ability to play audio files, like archived old podcasts and stuff. Which is nice.

    Still, fuck the people that randomly decided to harm Internet Archive. It was really on the threat of being a digitalized Burning of Alexandria moment.

  • …Does anyone even know what the hell Autism even is anymore? Two decades later, seems like it’s not. It’s just the ‘everything we deem not normal, someone is on the spectrum’ diagnosis.

    A therapist, I kid you not, thought that because I had a conscience in my mind (an inner voice) felt I was on the spectrum. That’s how much bullshit this Autism thing has gotten. A totally normal thing that I was told, convinced a therapist that I’m on the spectrum. Just anything can be fucking autistic apparently.

  • But did anyone ever say that you HAD to subscribe to everything? No.

    I must be one of the few people in a group who have a better control in what they feel they can subscribe to.

    Adobe expects me to pay monthly for Photoshop? No, fuck you, I’ve got GIMP and a number of other paint and photo manipulation programs.

    Microsoft expects me to pay for Office 365? No, fuck you, I’ve got LibreOffice and your older Office software still works as good. Your word processing program, Word, hasn’t really changed that much since 2007 or even 2003. Hell, maybe not since 1997!

    I understand this video highlights some of the more draconian practices of subscription services and they deserve to be. But also, people really really need to learn about alternatives instead of feeling like they’ve got to subscribe to something that they never had to in the first place.

    Also, no, you do not need smart-everything. Leave all of the smart-appliance shit for the richies who happily throw money down on that and let them waste their time and money on the susbcriptions involving them. You don’t need them, have some self-respect and know that the dumb versions of those smart things still are just as good and effective.

  • Meanwhile Hyundai over there is like: “LOOK AT OUR HYDROGEN POWERED TANK, GAIS! :D COOL SHINY THING!”

    Do rich people really sit and think about the day the world will truly be uninhabitable? There’s no where else to go and all of their money combined cannot accelerate technological progression enough to not only try to explore space, but to colonize the exoplanets that’s out there and funnel resources to and from as well as from and to.

    This is all we got and they’re happily ruining it because the ‘growth’ they’re thinking of is profitable growth.