yes stepbro/stepsis
3,000,000,000 * $15 (assumed Netflix plan/user) = $45,000,000,000
Damn! Just for one show?!
Wait, you’re still using BT 4.0? In 2023?
Naughty naughty
Back in a day, movies were projected by chunks. By mean chunks, film reels, either 8mm, 16mm, or 35mm. Some reels have limited celluloid capacity to handle, so multiple reels shipped to theaters. The projectionist taking care of it, assembling the celluloid and project it using bulb.
Fun thing of this, cinemas back then “accidentally” projected those X mark from celluloid.
If your using home fiber connection (residential), then your IP address is not permanent or static, at least for me (I’m from the Philippines anyway).
Use Firefox Browser and install uBlock Origin, then. Clear cookies whenever you like.
Honestly, I’ve never visited Reddit since the API BS.