Thank you for pointing this out, I shouldn’t have just skimmed the nonsense.
she/her, A(u?)DHD, German (linksgrünversifft), fanartist. Likes Doctor Who a normal amount. Also other nerdy BS. 🖖⚛️🦄🐙🦖🎮🗾
✨ #fckafd #fckcdu #fckmrz ✨
Thank you for pointing this out, I shouldn’t have just skimmed the nonsense.
Which is probably why they do still sell these dictionaries, just not nearly as many as they used to.
Let me guess, you don’t watch リック·アンド·モーティ.
Well… Yeah. Everybody’s using their phones instead.
Wer zu doof (oder, wie manche in Gefilden deutscher Rechtsprechung sagen… zu klug?) für Torrents ist, kann sich, rein interessehalber natürlich, mal mit Open Directories auseinander setzen. Ein wissenschaftlich sehr interessantes Thema.
I love how it’s apparently worse because she’s a “grandmother”.
His Twitter account is ZelenskyyUA, two "y"s, so that’s probably what he prefers for English contexts.
Okay but what do I do with it and not look like an absolute buffoon? Can I just have the ingredients simply put on a plate and not pay for the decorator?
Turning off hardware acceleration helps, at least in Firefox.
Out of date cache makes sense although I don’t think I’ve seen any system app ever above 3 stars (that’s why I even checked the Playstore page). Deleting the comment to not further propagate my false assumptions.
There’s a difference between being “in on it” and “knowing how sth is going to go”. Also, I don’t know, I have no idea how the man thinks. But insinuating that the entire thing was staged by ALL participants working together, as this post seems to do (and I’m asking if that’s the case), is a bold claim.
Are you saying Zelenskyy was somehow “in on it”?
By the power of the towel that you put on it at 5 am.
(Edit: There were two screenshots here, showing wildly different ratings for the app on the DuckDuckGo results page and the Playstore itself. The comment below kindly reminded me that DDG doesn’t update in real time. Duh. I apologise for posting too quickly.)
Goddammit. Well thanks a lot for ruining this silver lining in all this. 😠
But actual typos? I might see it using the wrong word because people keep using it (can’t think of a good example right now but like their/there) but “Minneosta” isn’t a word at all. A simple spell check would catch that.
Excellent point. Huh.
You want me to PAY for that?
MySpace was way smaller than Facebook, it wasn’t even available where I am for most of its (meaningful) existence (I never had a MySpace despite being the exact target age range).
I am SO confused.