I would love it if that was true, but think the impact of the blackout making ALL users unable to access whole swathes of the site might be bigger
I would love it if that was true, but think the impact of the blackout making ALL users unable to access whole swathes of the site might be bigger
So they also lost ranking (I assume to discord that moved up in to 4th place)
yeah, I think that almost builds on my post not contradicts it. Someone may whip out a phone, go to the first result in google and say “there proves my point” without assessing the validity of the source.
In a similar vein have ever ready portal to all of human knowledge constantly in our pocket it has killed some avenue of debate in face to face social situations, like out at a bar. In the before time you could spend an entire evening debating which came first or who wrote some film, or which song sold most albums and the argument would not be settled by some whipping out a phone, googling and done.
In the current fptp system it has to be. Until ranked choice for president and proportional representation for the house then usually the left will shatter. The republic strongest point is they all vote under one big group even if they disagree internally. All splitting the vote will do is empower that “team”
According to one list the diffs seem minor. Not sure some of the point (other than one.may be swear limit)
Aversion of Spider-Verse doesn’t show the build of Miguel O’Hara (Spider-Man 2099) almost going full vampire before deciding not to bite the Vulture’s head off.
After falling through one of the Spot’s spots at the beginning of the film, Miles’ dad, Jefferson Davis, will either groan and look around at where he’s been teleported or get a snappy reaction shot of his face.
Miles will either say “No! No” “Sorry! I’m sorry” or “Something like that” during the chai tea terminology redundancy scene.
Some versions of Miles hearing about Hobie Brown (Spider-Punk) for the first time don’t include a little line of text of Miles saying his name out loud above his head.
Voice lines of Gwen Stacy searching for Miles in a pile of rubble have been removed in some versions of the film.
Some cuts of Spider-Verse don’t have Miguel sassily say “That’s funny” when Gwen Stacy tries to explain why she’s with Miles.
Ben Reilly (Scarlet Spider) will either say “I’ve got you trapped in my well-defined musculature” or “This one’s called the sleeper hold” while grabbing Miles Morales during the big Spider-Man chase scene.
The Spot will either say “Oh what the heck” or “Which would not be good” in the scene where he puts his finger on the mini collider.
The egg snail brain control thing sound like animorphs but that was live action. I do remember a cult of white haired evil druids but can’t place that