As a counterpoint; if you are being the armorer on a movie set and don’t know those things, then you should quit before something horrible happens.
As a counterpoint; if you are being the armorer on a movie set and don’t know those things, then you should quit before something horrible happens.
Stupid is as stupid does.
They are better, but you foolishly assumed that they meant better for the consumer, not better for the seller.
They are unenforceable for more reasons than that. They also can not prove that you agreed to it, only that someone did.
Also, they can’t change the terms of your previous purchase after the fact. They can make you agree to something new going forward, but if they make your current device a brick because you don’t agree (which they are doing here), then they need to reimburse you for causing the loss of use of your device that you already purchased and was working under the previous terms.
“Some of you may die, but that’s a chance I’m willing to take.”
In many (most/all?) places, you are not allowed to vote for anyone except the people listed on the ballot. Writing in their own choice would be disqualifying their own vote, so I hope millions of them do it.
FLAC or some other lossless format is better.
Needs AC & Heat & Doors/Windows. Weather is a thing that people need to deal with. Not everywhere is 70 and sunny every day.
As an alternate viewpoint, I had T-Mobile for years, and I couldn’t keep a phone call connected for more than 10 minutes. If I travelled across the metro area (about 600K people), the call would drop 4 times from one side of the city to the other. Since I got on Verizon, it’s been bulletproof. I imagine these things are very location-dependent.
It’s google, they’ll just stop working on it.
There are conditional aspects to the ad-buy contracts. You only pay for the time if it’s used.
There are 2 choices so they are equally likely
There are only two options at that point. It MUST be 50-50.
The host’s intentions are irrelevant. Numerically, there are only two choices. That makes it fifty-fifty.
Now you have 2 choices: the door you chose, or the only other door left. One has a goat and one has a car. That’s fifty-fifty.
In your explanation, the door originally had a 1% chance, but after showing 98 goats, it has a 50% chance.
After you find out there’s a goat behind door #2, you have a 50% chance whether you stay on 1 or move to three. There are only two possible outcomes at that point (car or goat), so either way it’s a coin flip.
Or add 3% to the green grid
Three apps, plus still needing iTunes for podcasts. Thanks, Apple.
Bunch of jabronis
Needs more CAD