You know, buddy
You know, buddy
Same lol, somebody please enlighten me on a faster way!
Thank you so much for your reply. Follow up question, does this open up any ports to the greater internet in any way? That is really where my concern is, as I have heard that is dangerous to do
Sweet, just backing up the family photos then?
What are you putting in them?
Also tf kind of headline is this? Why does it refer to the subject by their age and not their name or role?
I was just monkeying around. I have seen this, but I totally just rewatched it, great performance.
Dude, if you think the morning news is real, then you really gotta re-evaluate your commitment to real life club.
I can’t believe real life club got compromised so hard and so fast, makes me want to quit real life club.
Well ya, look at it, it’s a moldy loaf of bread!!!
Mass terror attacks way the fuck up though
What about vice presidents? They practically insist on thank yous