In 2021, Texas was the number one state contributing to CO2 emissions, and by a lot…like 2 times as much compared to the second state (California)
In 2021, Texas was the number one state contributing to CO2 emissions, and by a lot…like 2 times as much compared to the second state (California)
Gyat damn gotem
A fellow Liv Mas’er
I did. I didn’t heavily imply it. Just that Microsoft didn’t help.
And please read comments more carefully next time. I did not say Microsoft was ever at fault, simply that they did not contribute anything to make Starfield better before release. Delays are a thing, but nobody thought it would be worth it to delay Starfield before release. If anything I’d bet money that Microsoft pushed the release
Okay. Well they made sure Starfield didn’t come out on the PS5, okay. and I promise you that didn’t help their numbers at all. Okay. Okay
I remember people on the Internet talking about the Microsoft Bethesda deal. I saw people saying that it’s “actually a good thing” and how Microsoft can contribute more to Bethesda and they’ll churn out better games for Xbox. Then I see shit like this and games like Starfield and understand why 99% of the people on the Internet have no fucking clue what they’re talking about.
Prime’s entire UI already sucks dick. I can’t even tell which shows/movies I can watch without having to pay, rent, or subscribe. Like mfer I’m paying to watch whatever Amazon has to offer. I only use it for The Boys, Reacher, and Invincible. Even with how much I would love to support these shows, fuck Amazon.
Crowbcat FTW
“too many damn land animals in our waters these days. Back in my day you wouldn’t see a land animal down here unless them Krakens started kraken their ship down here, damn Landers”
Yeah this probably won’t happen
Joke but okay. Also way to assume a person’s identity
Isn’t this literally the Handmaid’s Tale?
Someone feed that boi
Only the stupid rich people who are complete fucking idiots are gonna spend money on this. That and people irresponsible with money who are also complete morons. Anyone with a sense of financial responsibility will absolutely not buy these shitty anti consumer cars
My friend once told me he got so bored while on a road trip by himself he put on porn and jacked off while stuck in traffic.
Sure he wasn’t speeding down a highway, but come on man what the fuck
If I was some crazy schizophrenic religious nut job, I’d say God is punishing states like Texas with severe weather due to shit like this…but I know it’s just awful weather patterns from Global Warming…which is also Texas’s fault by a lot so I’m not too far off either way