Imagine if the songs The KKK Took My Baby Away and Fire of Unknown Origin (took my baby away) are talking about one really unfortunate baby that keeps on being taken away by random stuff.
Imagine if the songs The KKK Took My Baby Away and Fire of Unknown Origin (took my baby away) are talking about one really unfortunate baby that keeps on being taken away by random stuff.
You can replace reddit.com with reddit.adminforge.de, so say instead of reddit.com/r/ModCoord –> go to reddit.adminforge.de/r/ModCoord
You can scroll your little heart away without giving reddit any traffic
Probably she wanted to stall the process as much as posible so that they could bill the service some more before cancelling.
That or they have a script to make the service as hard to cancel as posible and she was just parroting that, without really paying attention to what OP was saying.