i think “marlins” is another team name, it’s a fish species
i think “marlins” is another team name, it’s a fish species
deleted by creator
i think chicken conditions are probably better in sweden that the vast majority of other countries, definitely including the US, so i’m not sure what your point is here.
gotta say, not a huge fan of using obvious “AI” art to promote this.
Unfortunately i then lose that money from taking sick days off work
And yet when Netflix was good the amount of people who pirated went down a ton. I was on that train. Just give me a service that isn’t outrageously expensive, has most of the content i want, and is more convenient than pirating and I’ll do it, as long as i have an income.
Rules are rules ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
LoL is not a company, the creator and owner of it is Riot Games.
i doubt they’d have time to drown tbh, at depth a small leak is likely to cause immediate and sudden implosion, instantly crushing anyone inside. not sure how that would play out in a larger non-circular space though like rapture.
Well it’s not like they’re looking at their actual faces, they’re looking at an in-game avatar that’s often highly sexualized or otherwise very pretty
Time to see anime go back to being a niche thing for weebs only i guess
It did? I’ve never heard of this
yea i don’t have a problem with people with issues having non-harmful outlets for their urges, even though i might consider those outlets distasteful.
Yeah no thanks, a PC that can only run one program at a time? that’s just a console but worse lol. almost entirely useless as a computer.
What you want to do is create an arc between the stick and the line, and not have it transfer to you. A dry stick would do this quite well, since it would be at ground voltage and as such would provoke a short arc without electrocuting yourself. The fence also probably doesn’t have all that much power, likely can’t deliver more than a few amps, so it would be quite safe even.
I’d call it a pyrrhic victory at best. It’s like if Ukraine got Russia to use their nukes on them and there was no response from the rest of the world. Sure, you got them to use their strongest weapon, but you still got nuked and they’ll continue as usual.
For a couple hundred million a year i think i could deal with it. For like, one year, and then retire.
You mean like daredevil?
Just one objection: Jesus wasn’t perfect, that was kinda a big part of him being born human. He had doubts and, iirc, made mistakes, even according to the bible.
Correct. And these fascists deserve nothing less.