Scientific names should not be allowed to be trademarked. That should include names that are close enough to it that it could be litigated if it were a trade mark.
Scientific names should not be allowed to be trademarked. That should include names that are close enough to it that it could be litigated if it were a trade mark.
Didn’t Ridgeway do 72?
Central and South America too.
The US broke most of these when they invaded Afghanistan and Iraq.
Was the painting owned by Shell?
That is what happens when you ruin things that aren’t yours.
You dream of yourself being an NPC?
They believe it because it is exactly what they would do given the opportunity.
Using civilians as human shields is a war crime.
It is also a major tactic by Hamas to sway public opinion by people that know no better. One that has been admitted too for decades. Hamas struck first with a terrible atrocity, they knew what would happen yet they did it anyway. It is on their hands that the blood drips from.
You are an idiot if you think Israel has the monopoly on any of those things.
Such as Hamas using their tunnels for food and medicine instead of missiles from Iran?
I think that’s my spirit animal
Blocking is the boring way. Shit post until they ban you.
It looks like he has diabetes
White ribbon, the largest DV support organisation in Australia have done exactly this.
In Australia one third of DV victims are men. This is according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, from hospitalisations, murders and call outs by police. The CDC in the US found similar rates, NZ was even higher.
If this is a simulation it’s buggier than a Bethesda new release.
The Reddit Mens Lib group are atrocious. They in no way accept that men are not fully to blame for whatever rubbish that radical feminists come up with.
I was abused by my ex-wife for years. The treatment I received from government agencies was more damaging than most of what I got from her.
Certain organisations that are used to inform governments, from elected officials to social workers are based on the assumption that only men are ever abusive, that all men are abusive and the women can do no wrong. It started with the Duluth model and was followed in Australia by a study done by White Ribbon that specifically excluded straight men from participating. I know this is the case as I attempted to participate and that is exactly what I was told at the time.
Our bureau of Statistics has clearly shown that at least ⅓ of victims are men.
I got a 30 day ban on Facebook for posting this in a meme. It was the change my mind guy