One way to breathe a new life into multiplayer shooters could be removing any guns from healers.

Make them potent, but vulnerable!

Why is it important:

  • Players that don’t like shooting, but love teamwork would finally be represented (yes, I’m speaking of your girlfriend!)
  • Having to protect healers would benefit more organized teams, rewarding teamwork
  • Healers would have a more dynamic gameplay revolving around avoiding damage: stealthy movement, ability to quickly traverse dangerous zones, coordination with fellow teammates are all required to benefit your team as a healer

What might need to be tweaked:

  • Healers should be made into the only revivors, and we should either punish death more (which we’d better be careful of if that’s a dynamic game) or give buffs on revival
  • Healers should get more movement abilities to increase survivability. They may also get speed boost when running towards teammates (similar to Conduit Savior’s Speed in Apex Legends)
  • Team compositions should accommodate for several healers as to not introduce a single point of failure

Overall, I think it could introduce a new dynamic to team arenas and skirmishes, as winning now requires more coordination within a team and better understanding of everyone’s roles.

    806 months ago

    Fuck no.

    As someone who loves maining healers, I would never play one again if my only hope for defence was my team mates.

    Healers are already are hard role due to lack of support and cover, making them more dependent on it would be worse

      256 months ago

      You’ll just die all the time because hardly anyone would help you, and as a bonus you get yelled at by your team for not healing them. Sounds like fun.

    • @Allero@lemmy.todayOP
      6 months ago

      As one of the commenters has put it, there could be options, like having more of a “field healer” that is armed but has less healing-related abilities, and a full healer that only heals but has unique options.

      You could pursue the former.

      Also, movement and stealth abilities are a must for a defenceless healer, so you could still protect yourself in other ways.

      • AwesomeLowlander
        66 months ago

        like having more of a “field healer” that is armed but has less healing-related abilities, and a full healer that only heals but has unique options.

        And this differs from most existing games how, exactly?

    466 months ago

    I enjoy playing support classes, you want me to stop Playing support classes? Make it so that they are utterly defenseless and rely solely on others to stay alive.

    Ultimately, it will play absolutely terribly if all you can do is run away unless you are playing with a well organized team. And then you may find that all your team mates get to have all the fun in the game while you get stuck with only the boring stuff.

    No thank you.

    • @Allero@lemmy.todayOP
      -56 months ago

      There could be options. You can get some sort of a balanced healer/damager, while someone else would pick a pure healer. It’s just that there should be an option to heal only.

        146 months ago

        You have to balance that. A pure healer would need to be so strong that it would become the primary target at all times. Which would be frustrating for both sides. For players playing against it because they can’t really play the game anymore. For the pure healers because they would be under tons of pressure.

        Unfortunately (or fortunately) we (should) design games around a core audience. Chances are that if your ( r my) hypothetical friend isn’t enjoying the competitive part of the game at all, that she (or he) is going to get frustrated at that game at some point anyways. And there are probably games that suit both your needs better to start with. Competitive games may just not be the right choice. Don’t ruin the game feel of those games for those that enjoy them for the sake of non competitive players because that will just create a game that no one actually wants to play.

        • Mercy from Overwatch is a perfect example of why pure healers don’t work too well in shooters. She is consistently throughout the games lifespan either been too overtuned or too undertuned. It is very difficult to find that balanced spot for pure healers.

          They either end up too powerful and require constant tagging by the opponents team which is frustrating both for the healer player and the opponent team. Or they become almost mandatory for a team too win even in a casual setting, which is incredibly unfun for both teams.

          In the case of being undertuned though, if they’re not powerful enough then no one picks them as it is just not as fun or engaging to play as a pure healer.

          Or finally in the case of medic from tf2. They become a fairly predictable 1 trick pony, low reward class.

          Overall pure healers in shooters just really don’t work well for the medium/genre. I love being a support player myself in games. But I loathe seeing pure healers in shooters. It’s nearly always just a source of frustration rather than fun

            6 months ago

            Or finally in the case of medic from tf2. They become a fairly predictable 1 trick pony, low reward class.

            I miss the medic from TFC. The double-barreled shotgun and the concussion grenades gave them options.

            (I guess that’s kinda proving the point against “pure healers,” LOL)

        • Carighan Maconar
          06 months ago

          Hasn’t Overwatch if anything shown that focusing on the small highest end crowd doesn’t actually work in the context of heterogeneous classes to play? Unlike MOBAs, so I can totally see why a dev would assume it to be the correct choice.

            16 months ago

            While I have not played overwatch myself, I have heard about a few things with it. From my point of view overwatch had it’s own problems including characters that did only one thing but that one thing really, really well. Which is frustrating. It also didn’t help that they tried to force things instead of actually working with what they had. IMHO it’s a master class of what not to do with a game unless you want to to fail.

    326 months ago

    So basically Mercy from Overwatch? I think most games have versions of this type of healer. Medic in TF2 etc. They basically have guns that can’t do much other than be used to shoot your teammates in the face to get their attention.

      16 months ago

      Last time I played Overwatch I was healing as Mercy and our Roadhog just watched as I fly past while getting chased by someone on the other team and kill the guy chasing me. Then he bitched me out for fighting instead of healing him. I was like mfer if you don’t want me to fight keep them off me. Then everyone acted like I was the toxic one.

  • Justin
    286 months ago

    Medic in TF2 is a pure healer. The only time their weapons come out is if they get separated or get surprised by a spy. In high-level play, basically never.

  • Kairos
    146 months ago

    Team Fortress is built off the idea that no class can’t do something, some just do it way better.

  • 2ugly2live
    126 months ago

    The only reason I start shooting is if my team isn’t doing their job. You want me to go out there and heal with no protection from the enemy? They already focus on the healers as it is, and we get left behind often. I honestly would never play healer again. All the stuff you’re explaining already happens. My goal already is to avoid damage, my team is already supposed to protect me (and when they don’t/can’t, I have a weapon for that).

    also, not only “girlfriends” dislike shooting, there are plenty of guys who are main healers

  • Fonzie!
    116 months ago

    Sounds like you want OG Mercy from Overwatch, who didn’t work out btw

    No, FPS players tend to be the “killer” type of player who play to score and win, they are rarely the “socialite” type of player who are in it for teamwork.
    Simply put, this is the wrong audience to implement this idea in, there are gaming communities where this works but FPS just isn’t one of them.

      36 months ago

      Since so many people played the original overwatch at it’s prime, it was a good way to see what people played and how. The dps queue was sometimes 30 to 40min, while as a healer you got into a game instantly. When Ana dropped, people just played ana and didn’t heal people, because she had a sniper rifle. When moira dropped, people just played her as a dps who could heal herself. Support is very niche already, making it more niche, and only a handful of people would even consider support.

      I think the finals did a good job in giving the medium class a healing beam. It’s supper powerful on it’s own, and if your team dies, you can still whip out a very good if not the best gun.

    • @Allero@lemmy.todayOP
      06 months ago

      Yeah, Mercy was one of my inspirations.

      I feel like one of the reasons FPS scene is like that is exactly because players have no choices left but to pick up a gun and shoot enemies. Without that, you are useless in any classical FPS composition, regardless of the role, which alienates players that want to see other types of gameplay.

      Simply put, if you are not a “killer” in an FPS game, you have nothing to do there, and that’s why only those players remain. Something has to be changed inside the genre.

      • nitrolife
        26 months ago

        and continuing my thought, overwatch was literally what you wanted in them first years. But it turned out that the main game group was not interested in playing for healers or tanks without damage, and as a result, the bias in choosing these roles was more than 3 times. This increased the waiting time in the queue quite a lot. As a result, everything returned to the option where each role can cause damage.

      • Fonzie!
        16 months ago

        I think it goes both ways; FPS games attract “killer” type players, so designers design the games to cater for them. Because designers cater the game more to them, they attract more of those type of players.

        Like a spiral only spiraling into itself~

      • nitrolife
        06 months ago

        Mercy so easy only in low ranks.

        If you have good move you can do teamkill by mercy under ultimate skill… Especially if your DPS no have damage. In overwatch you should kill by any role, but in healer mode you should don’t die at first, heal you team at second and do damage in third. That’s true less for mercy, because she has damage increase bean and you should change to it for support ultimates for example, but more on Birgit or for new healers.

        And with tank too. You should protect your team, know all mechanics and do damage for enemies. For example sigma, you can eat Moira orb and Zarya ultimate skill by bullet protection skill. that is literally black hole. And if tank don’t do that you team in pain. And if you don’t damage targets you team lose.

        But Overwatch bad example because that more arcade shooter. Many moves depend by skills, not for headshots. You literally have melee characters without any targeting.

    116 months ago

    This is coward talk. Healers should be given silver bullets for their guns with badass names like “Spectre Covenant” and huge medieval maces.

    96 months ago

    Wouldn’t shooting them violate some kind of convention (like Geneva, idk) in this case?

    6 months ago

    Was with you until you thought you were speaking of my girlfriend being a support role.

    Dude, I’d be willing to bet she’d eat your lunch in a multiplayer shooter.

    Maybe lose the sexist shit and I’d say you’ve got something here!

    96 months ago

    Battlefield does most of this, except medics csn defend themselves because people already rarely play support. As seen by the endless rage and whining, the ad-hoc emergent teamplay doesn’t work as often as it does.

  • Pilgrim
    86 months ago

    I like the idea from a roleplaying-POV.

    However, as someone who loves to play medic since BF2, I can tell you that I’d stop playing supportive (medic) if they’d remove the guns from the class. It sounds like it’s just half as fun.

    76 months ago

    That would just make them even bigger targets than they already are. And now they won’t have a way to defend themselves? That sounds like a nightmare. I used to play Overwatch and would always play support. There’s no way in hell i’d trust my team to help me if I’m being attacked. They’re probably just gonna jump ahead and say “I need healing!” fifteen times and call me a trash healer as I get the shit beaten out of me with no way to fight back. If this is how support roles worked nobody would play them. I already get left to my own devices as the rest of the team ignores me getting attacked in the back line. It’s already a thankless and painful role to play and this would make it unbearable.

    76 months ago

    What If “healer” was assigned at random at the start of a match of no one picks it, healers weren’t on either team, land were scored separately by how many people they revived?

    • rockerface 🇺🇦
      16 months ago

      Neutral medics? That would likely be a shitshow to balance, but I would actually be interested in trying that. Lore accurate Swiss Mercy!

    66 months ago

    It would exclusively work for competitive eSports.

    Many people play just for fun, don’t want to focus on teamwork

    • @Allero@lemmy.todayOP
      16 months ago

      Some people’s definition of “fun” may differ, and it would be cool to serve them too. But still, healers must be equipped with abilities that would grant them some level of survivability on their own - particularly those helping to escape the fight and reset.

      It’s just that teams that play tactically will be rewarded.