It’s not supposed to look like that up close reality is just glitching and showing the far away model at every view distance
What is the relation between those two things lol
Is this a serious question?
Yes I was tired and missed the joke, but now I see it lol
Frankly the downvotes are even funnier because of how stupid the whole thing is, gotta admit
It’s stupid, but it suggests buying a cyber truck is its own form of birth control.
Jessica only procreates with men who have nicer cars.
There’s a certain type of guy that wants a cybertruck. Most women would want to avoid that type of guy, and certainly wouldn’t want to accidentally procreate with them. So the cybertruck is the ultimate cock block for the good of all humankind.
Rather, less stupid cars.
Nothing signals ones distaste for Musk more than tweeting about it on his platform.
Thats obviously from mastodon, not twitter.
Oh, you’re right
I mean MAGA hat is way cheaper and isn’t inheritantly a giant killing machine
I’m misogynistic and want women to be subservient to me! Why can’t I find true love?!
That is probably a pretty big market.
There are plenty of women who want to be subservient.
It kills giants!? Someone call Thor!
The movement itself is, but the hat itself technically won’t kill you.
Well, it could cause you to die, but that’s more of an affiliation thing.
Bring back mumps for teen boys! Antivaxx for the win!
Funnily enough, in the military they have those big thick glasses they call BCG which stands for “Birth Control Glasses”
Yeah, choose cybertruck over Jessica.
Solves all problems.
We’ve had the pocket protector for decades.
Calculator wristwatches
The microplastics is free!
I saw one in person for the first time yesterday. I didn’t think it was possible, but it is even uglier in person. I had to look at the driver to see what kind of person would buy that and to see if he felt shameful.
So what did the driver look like?
He looked lost and overwhelmed by the discussion that his family in the car was having.
We saw one in person last week and couldn’t stop laughing at how ridiculous it looked.
They’re bigger than I thought they’d be. I also saw a red one just recently which isn’t a color available on the website(for a staggering $6-6.5K). So that person went and wrapped it in bright red on their own…oof.
I think the cybertruck is birth control, as I assume no woman would get close to a guy with that car
Yes, that is the joke.
Wait this is a joke?
( Goes to cancel order)
They’re shit cars but gatekeeping manhood is even shittier
It is not gatekeeping manhood, buying a Cybertruck is a clear sign that the man lacks common sense and has more money than brains, two very important red flags. The only women he will attract are the kind that like men with more money than brains. She is just setting her standards high.
Hmm. Normally I’d be inclined to agree, but this really doesn’t feel like it’s punching at men or manliness. It’s more just saying no one will find you attractive if you have a cybertruck. And we all know you can be a man as well as completely unfuckable at the same time.
“You will not get laid” is sorta the basic insult directed at men.
Only because we associate sexuality and “getting laid” with manhood. They aren’t the same. Are asexual men less men? No one’s gatekeeping manhood in this image, they’re gatekeeping sexuality.
But we do associate it with manhood. Until we move on from that mindset, it is an attack on someone’s manhood
We are not moving on today apparently, though a few above tried.
Well I wouldn’t have expected us to make a societal change in a day
Societal change starts with the individual. If one person today has changed their views, it’s a step.
And the way we move on from that is by each of us, individually, deciding that’s not an attack on manhood.
Right, but to see the difference takes time. Some people are more hung up on the current view than others.
No it isnt
Yes it is
My manhood isnt affected at all by this. The “truck” is definitely shittier.
you mean women are not attracted to rich men, really ?
I’m not for one. I’d like someone mature financially, but rich people are all narcissistic.
A woman married me, so apparently not always.
TBH it would be funnier without the image of the Cybertruck. Then the punchline would be a surprise.
I don’t know… seems expensive. In my experience, my face is more than enough and I got that for free.
No king your face is not as effective as the truck it has 100% to a face rate is 50% at best
Really? Maybe the problem was my personality all along…
I saw one with a boat in tow the other day and all I could think about was how much I wished someone would try and use it as a submersible and leave us land dwellers alone.
My wife called me two days ago saying “GUESS WHAT’S FUCKING BEHIND ME!”. She was nearly home, and told me to run to the front window and look down the street toward the intersecting road. She turned onto our street, and moments later that stupid piece of shit went zooming by on the main road. I couldn’t believe it. It was even dumber in person. I was so delighted she helped make that sighting happen, though.