Why this specific instance of Rittenhouse exposing himself as bloodthirsty when there were many more instances before it?
Is there some “fifty flags” rule before you can say they’re planning to murder people?
Why this specific instance of Rittenhouse exposing himself as bloodthirsty when there were many more instances before it?
Is there some “fifty flags” rule before you can say they’re planning to murder people?
Google and Apple have come out against legislation that would broaden sideloading rights for smartphone owners, citing security and reliability concerns.
Fuck off google.
It’s not supposed to look like that up close reality is just glitching and showing the far away model at every view distance
Turns out customers weren’t ordering the McDeadly neurotoxin
deleted by creator
I’ll have you know my reddit comments were only mostly unhinged!
So they’re trading on the smt name to…do a bunch of things that are the antithesis of what was attractive about the brand to begin with?
This is why I stick to open source software for anything truly important.
Gaming’s a mix of open source, physical retro games and the least abusive free to play games.
With all his whining about rigged elections he of all people should know you can’t ask election officials to “find” you exactly the amount of votes you need to win that election.
I don’t know, telling your kid about the divorce via airdropped meme seems pretty…despicable.
Makes the conversations quicker
door knock
“Hi, I’m”
“molester informing us? Ok stay away from my kids bye”
door slam
Hitler in Mein Kampf: “I want to gas the Jews”
Historical evidence: “Nazis gassed Jewish people”
Neo-nazis: “The Holocaust isn’t real but also let’s do a Holocaust.”
“What this advertising boycott is going to do is it’s going to kill the company, and the whole world will know that those advertisers killed the company and we will document it in great detail,” Musk said.
No need, you making twitter toxic to advertisers and the resulting fallout is already very well documented.
You can literally be a drug addict tweaking your way through the Apocalypse!
And this is why retro games and open source games make up the bulk of my gaming experience
Annnnd he went full Henry Ford.
Sometimes the goalposts are moved and merged with goalposts from other conspiracy theories.
When 5g wasn’t the end of humanity it became the trigger for a zombie virus…hidden in the vaccine!
Wonder what third thing will become the new first domino to knock over the 5g and vaccine dominoes.
One sentence horror: Don’t worry ma’am your child is just meeting with our youth pastor.