…and a waffer theen meent
Common lunch in France
And for dessert he ate a dozen drones.
Unconfirmed btw
“Gastroenterologists who X-rayed Lotito’s stomach said he was capable of consuming 2 pounds per day, according to his Guinness World Records entry.”
I often read things and think about them and realize that it’s so absurd I can’t believe anyone tried to pass it off as true, and this is one of them.
Gastroenterologist: “Oh yeah, that stomach can consume metal, I know because…” Because what? You’ve been trained to identify stomachs that can digest metal using X-rays? What day of gastroenterologist school was that?
Go Google abdominal X-ray. You can’t even tell where the stomach is, it’s just a cloudy area.
"Oh yeah, that cloudy area there can definitely digest metal, I can tell just by looking at it. I’d say it can digest, say, a pound and a half easily. Probably two pounds. Probably not two and a half though, I can tell just by looking at it that two pounds would be too much. "
Maybe they made multiple X rays and looked at how much the iron in his body decreased
Or maybe, and this may sound a little crazy but maybe the guy didn’t eat an airplane
Iron toxicity from a patient that literally just took too many supplements.
You know how they say everybody has about a nail’s worth of iron in their body?
It turns out that you definitely don’t want a pound of it in your stomach.
Also turns out that a lot of other metals are the same kind of thing. Not gold though, it’s generally not chemically active, so eat all the gold you want.
So what you’re saying is it was a gold cessna
They should have given him an MRI scan to be completely sure.
But it says so on reddit.
It was also in the Guinness book of records at some point.
Doesn’t confer much credibility if we’re being honest
Yea they gave Bono the record when Randy clearly won
This man wiped his ass with steel wool.
Was he the guy known as Monsieur Mangetout (Mr Eat everything, probably mangling the spelling), or was that someone else?
He was also entered into the Guiness Book of Records for “strangest diet.”
He ate the award plaque they gave him.
I want “bullshit” for a thousand, Alex.
As fake as hell as this sounds, no this guy was for real. Check out his list of total objects consumed.
At least:[3][8] [citation needed]
- 45 door hinges
- 18 bicycles
- 15 shopping carts
- 7 TV sets
- 6 chandeliers
- 2 beds
- 1 pair of skis
- 1 computer
- 1 copy of the textbook Gravitation by Misner, Thorne and Wheeler.
- 1 Cessna 150 light aircraft
- 1 waterbed (full of water)
- 500 metres (1,600 ft) of steel chain at once
- 1 coffin (with handles)
- 1 Guinness award plaque
- Assorted razors and bolts
1 Guinness award plaque
Get Guinness Award
Eat the plaque
Refuse to elaborate
Yeah, bullshit.
Dr: You can get your iron supplement in pill form at the local Walmart.
Guy: Oh? That’s nice. Does it have any artificial sweeteners?
Dr: It’s plain.
(☞゚∀゚)☞ ☜(°∀°☜)Still better than Taco Bell
idk what you internet people are always complaining about, Taco Bell is great. It’s easily the best of the lowest tier fast food joints and that’s a perfectly acceptable niche to occupy.
Tacos are fine, but Taco Bell has a reputation for quickly sending people to the restroom with diarrhea.
Also, Taco Bell themselves have admitted their “meat” is only around 35% actual meat.
Want a real taco, make it yourself…
If taco bell is sending you to the bathroom it’s because you’re ordering beans and you’re not used to beans and lots of fiber. That’s not the fault of taco Bell.
Also, it’s the easiest fast food option for vegetarians and vegans, and as such has (in theory at least) a much better environmental footprint than the others. Fast food ain’t great, but Taco bell does not deserve the reputation it has. And while I am absolutely not assuming it’s why you said it, I can’t help but think the reason the whole taco bell equals poops thing is so prevalent is because of underlying racist sentiments, the same as with Chinese food and msg.
I was sort of with you until you claimed racism …
That just made it weird
Not racism in the “fuck those [insert slur here]s.” Racism in the sense of subtle background stereotypes that are super pervasive. Think queer villains in media. Msg was associated with Chinese food and ended up with a bad (and false) rap because of it. Mexican and Mexican ish foods are associated with stomach upset and GI issues. Chipotles has a similar stigma. It’s a cultural hang over from a time when outright discrimination and stereotyping was more acceptable. It’s not necessarily something we’re aware of doing when we do it, made even more insidious by virtue of people who do not hold negative views perpetuating the same stereotype because of our own lack of awareness to it.
Yeah I just can’t get on board with this
Chipotle had a bad rap for literally food poisoning a lot of people multiple times
And taco bell has a bad rap because it’s low quality food. I think it’s better today so maybe it seems unfairly targeted, but I definitely have had diarrhea many times from that food, especially back in the day.
[insert slurs here]…
Read my other comments. My friend that would hock booger loogie bubbles in your face was the cook, at a number of our local restaurants.
Nasty isn’t a slur, that’s just declaring that anyone that hired him accepts nasty cooks.
Basically means there’s at least 3 entire cities where I won’t visit for fast food, because I know they’ll just as soon hire a cook that talks with loogie bubbles in his mouth.
Nasty isn’t a slur. That’s just a callout…
Yeah, you’ve obviously never been to our local Taco Bell. They literally threw opened used trash in our bag with our food.
I’ll never return there after that.
That’s an example of a shitty location, though. Had McDonald’s done that would people hold that view of all McDonald’s?
I’m vegetarian and Taco Bell is one of the only places that actually have a decent vegetarian menu
God right? You can’t fake a black bean and their black beans are great.
88%, and other than some oats, it’s just seasonings.
Right, read the source I posted, and you will see the lawyers had to retract those claims quickly.
Okay, maybe there’s something to their side of things as well…
Doesn’t change the fact they threw literal garbage in our bag.
Yeah sorta cracks me up this thing along with the subway chicken thing given actually plant analogues often cost more than the meat. If a place can put plant matter and lower my meat consumption while the meal is tasty. Well im all for it.
While that last bit is not untrue it sort of ignores the fact that not making it yourself is the whole point of fast food.
Taco Bell is not amazing food but it is decent and relatively inexpensive. That is it’s purpose. If you want authentic Mexican cuisine, or any type of food really, then a fast food joint is not the place to go looking for it.
Can confirm from personal experience, taco bell gives me diarrhea but chipotle doesn’t. Used to get weekly chipotle burritos because of the school discount.
I too would rather eat a plane then french cooking.
You prefer eating over-transformed junk food and that’s okay
You’re on the fediverse. There’s no need to try and seem cultured, you ain’t get that boulder up the hill.
Im just spitting facts
Then is not than.
He meant what he said. The plane is the hors d’oeuvre.
What a guy.
I wonder if he had to work up to it, or was just winging it.
I’m sure it flew right down his throat.
I think he just went for it without thinking about it, plane and simple
Well, props to him.
Getting knots in my stomach just thinking about it