He’ll be back in 2 and 2…
He’ll be back in 2 and 2…
The sad thing it, for streaming “stations”, Pandora still has the best algorithms and functioning (thumbs up/down only being applicable to that specific ‘station’).
It’s a shame they’ve neglected their apps and almost everything else about their business.
It’s not about saying Biden is to blame. Trump 100% should have blame.
But the fact that someone else STARTED (or in this case re-started) a bad thing doesn’t mean the next person in power gets a free pass for not working to stop it again.
So it’s perfectly fair to call out Biden for not stopping the bad thing that Trump (re)started.
Just because YOU didn’t know doesn’t mean much. It just means you’re probably not a White Nationalist/Nazi (or maybe it means you are and are just ill informed about the culture and iconography surrounding it ).
It definitely means something to white nationalists.
At this point I vote we forcibly remove EVERYBODY from the entirety of Israel and Palestine. If they can’t share it nicely, nobody should get to have it.
Copilot can’t even suggest a single Ansible or Terraform task without suggesting invalid/unsupported options. I can’t imagine how bad it is at doing anything actually complex with an actual programming language.
I miss Soylent as well. I think the peak was the bottled version right before they switched to the “sqround” bottles.
Reminds me of a lyric in a song by Ren:
Swallow all your morals, they’re a poor man’s quality
Almost every job I’ve had in the past 30 years ‘required’ a degree but I never had any problem getting hired without any degree.
I’m an old fogey who grew up reading physical books and newspapers but I absolutely need dark mode on backlit displays. I despise light mode.
But would it have it have remained left alone long enough to get to the point where the federation and prime directive protected it…
So I’ve been in situations where I was stopped at a red light, and emergency vehicles were coming and I was waved by a policeman to cross the intersection against the red light to clear the way.
So what, is a self driving car going to just sit there and keep the intersection blocked?
Yup, pretty much.
Upon re-reading, it looks like there is two paths, but both require two steps?
The first part, proposing an amendment:
An amendment may be proposed by a two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress, OR, if two-thirds of the States request one, by a convention called for that purpose.
Then the second part, ratifying the amendment:
The amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the State legislatures, OR three-fourths of conventions called in each State for ratification.
Just because our previous civil war involved a relatively simple geographical separation, doesn’t mean it’s necessary for a civil war.
The only thing you need is two (or more) sides with opposing beliefs about how the country should run and who should run it, and that said beliefs are strong enough that people are willing to use violence to ensure that their side wins.
Geography has nothing to do with it.
I thought it’s an either or thing, as two different paths to possibly get an amendment passed, not that it needs both.??
“God works in mysterious ways”
I’m sure it flew right down his throat.
That was the first thing I thought of.
I lucky enough to get my first DSL line in 1997.
Was only paying for 128Kbps down but this was before they actually had any throttling in place, and I was close enough to the DLAM to get 1Mbit down. It was mind-blowing at a time when a 1.44Mbps T1 line was $1000+/month pipe dream!