My producers dragged me to see ‘Barbie’ and it was one of the most woke movies have ever seen. My ful review of this flaming garbage heap of a film will be out on my YouTube channel tomorrow at 10am ET.
I normally post news on here but this picture is legit hilarious. Mods feel free to delete if not appropriate 😹
It was one of the most woke movies I have ever seen
translation: as a straight white dude this is Ben’s first experience not being the target audience for something
Hahahhahaa this idiot
I feel like this fits nicely here :
Hahahaha, that sums up this new conservative wave perfectly.
“Woke is when I hate something, and the more I hate it, the more woke it is”
I’m a fifty year old man. Definitely not in the demographic. But I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. I took my young adult daughters because we wanted to do barbenheimer together. I loved to messages of family and trying to improve yourself. My daughters obviously connected in a way that I didn’t but that’s not a problem.
In summary: Ben Shapiro is a twat.
You must not be a man anymore, did you not take notes on how you didn’t connect to the movie in the same way as your daughters?
What is wrong with this dude? Going to a movie you don’t want to see and taking notes about it so you can complain about it online when you get home. It’s so pathetic I almost feel bad for him.
Don’t feel bad for him, this is how he gets paid. He’s a professional asshole.
An asshole who primarily courts right-wingers an inch to the left of Neo-Nazis by making them feel logical and superior for denying basic facts about reality, while the mask-off Neo-Nazis repeatedly send death threats to his family because they’re culturally Jewish.
I don’t pity him. He dug his hole by choice, and it is a very comfy hole in upper-class Los Angeles where he won’t experience the consequences of societal collapse that he encourages poorer right-wingers to spread around. Tough for his kids, I’d imagine, since they’ll be growing up in a world with all those oven-fanatic redcaps crawling out of the woodwork that their dad turned a blind eye to for clout.
For what it’s worth, he’s not just culturally Jewish. He’s an actively practicing orthodox Jew. He’s wearing a yarmulka in this photo, and pretty much every photo you’ll see of him.
There’s a big difference between someone who was born Jewish because their mom is Jewish, and someone who is actively practicing. Not that it excuses the Neo-Nazis and antisemites. But he’s not just culturally Jewish.
Excuse me if I’m wrong, but I thought they saud “culturally Jewish” because I know a lot of people who are Jewish by birth but hardly (or never) practice.
But that could just be my rare experience, since I live in an area with plenty of Jewish people.
Yeah, that’d be culturally Jewish. Someone who was born Jewish, but doesn’t actively practice. They’re not religiously Jewish. My point was that he’s actively practicing, so it’s not just cultural.
I remember when he was first becoming “popular” and his whole schtick was “facts don’t care about your feelings” and not wanting to get into “identity politics”, as a reaction to socially progressive movements and “lefties being triggered”… Till he realised he and his whole fan base live for identity politics and care more about their feelings than facts.
So now, here he is, getting mad at a movie not targeted to him because it triggers his feelings about “patriarchy good, feminism bad”
Dude’s wife is a doctor, his wife, and yet he still thought “wet ass pussy” was referring to a medical condition or something. Dude doesn’t even know how basic female anatomy works. And he’s fucking married. To a doctor.
Yep. He would say it was just for a review, but if you already made your mind up that you wouldn’t like it before you went in, it’s not a review. He creates dishonest trash, and that’s what his (extremely stupid) viewers want. They want everything to conform to the beliefs they already hold, and anything that doesn’t is just proof other people are wrong, not them.
Is he ever happy with anything? Like, I’m not even here to debate his views. He just seems so miserable all the time, as if he can’t find any joy in life.
It’s hos job to be upset. He is happy with the money that he makes from the attention.
“attention ho” sums him up pretty well
Yeah happiness is a free time endeavour. Every time you see any picture of Ben Shapiro, he’s working.
You are describing every modern conservative ever
I’m describing Ben Shapiro, the man in the picture.
…as well as every other modern conservative.
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Y’all went off the rails right about here when this got personal. You can try again, or better yet just disengage since this seems like a fairly low stakes disagreement.
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It takes no effort to steer a conversation about a prominent right-wing social media figure who harps on prominent right-wing culture war issues towards conservatives.
Those things are literally the same topic.
You see this on both sides lol
Nowhere did I say it was exclusively modern cons, but they sure are the majority
He’s happy with his sister’s cup size.
Worked with him recently on a project ( I was an extra, I do not support their trash) and he was a tool. All the higher ups at DW were smarmy or openly rude and bitchy to the cast and crew. Especially Candace Owens. They were all so far up their own asses it was ridiculous.
This is the epitome of “conservatives” today: unhappy, vengeful, trying to destroy things for other people, and only focused on nonsense culture-war stuff.
It makes me sad. If they just spent a fraction of the effort they use to tear things down to build something worthwhile up instead, we’d be much better off.
Don’t be sad! There’s people of all political groups and belief systems working hard right this moment to improve things, they are just quiet and don’t draw attention to themselves… Join them and we can literally make the world a better place! 😁
of all political groups and belief systems
press X to doubt
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Oh my god, we found that douchebag American tourist other countries complain about
You’re absolutely right. :)
The problem is that their idea of making things better usually involves ranting against and/or hurting people they don’t like. I honestly can’t think of a single thing their ideology would encourage building up that wouldn’t be exclusionary or else harmful to multiple groups of people.
Which is really sad. What “conservatives” are representing isn’t even conservative at all; it’s just regressive, authoritarian non-sense. Conservatives (real ones) have an important part to play in a properly working political system (which we don’t have in the United States). Ideally, we’d have a a progressive party and a conservative party; the former looking for reforms anywhere they can, even to the point of burning down the system, and the latter urging caution and ensuring the stability and safety of the system. Instead, the U.S. has a conservative party (Democrats) and a fascist/regressive party (Republicans). So, instead of moving forward with caution, we’re moving backward.
Imagine being outraged and miserable for a living.
I’ve not even seen the movie, but Jesus fucking Christ.
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He’s so miserable which is why it makes sense that he radicalised Alexandre Bissonnette into committing the Quebec mosque shooting (even though he keeps trying to deny it)
“She’s everything. He’s just Ben”
Dude legit turned up in kids sized Chuck Norris Action Jeans and took notes in a Barbie movie. Took notes in a Barbie movie.
Ben Shapiro took notes in a Barbie movie.
How much are billboards these days?
That was fantastic and brilliantly clever. Thank you.
An hour+ long toy ad from a multinational corporation is “woke”… oookie-dookie…
Why even give this a-hole the time of day? We should all just ignore him.
I mean I agree, but this is absolutely hilarious. I haven’t laughed out loud in months and I just snortled the beer out from my nose. I’m dying. Send help.
The actual content of the movie is irrelevant; his reaction was foreordained, because that’s his schtick. Just replace him the free-tier ChatGPT and move on. At least AI sometimes comes up with surprising/interesting takes.
turning ben shapiro into a real boy was a mistake
Idk I still think he’s a puppet
He mentally lives in his own barbie land.
Welp, I wasn’t even going to go see Barbie, but now I’ll go to watch it just out of spite lol.
What a fragile snowflake.
Well Barbie is an accomplished woman with a bajillion jobs so it’s not surprising the movie is “woke”. Barbie was “woke” for her time.
I bet they make a fuck ton of money off this movie, once again disproving “go woke go broke”
Woke is here to stay, it’s called human rights
“Woke” is the new “politically correct”. If you want know what they really mean, just replace the word “woke” with “treating people with respect” or “respectful”.
As in, “I hate treating people with respect” or “Hollywood is too respectful nowadays”. “When did the world become so respectful?!?”
One thing I’ve heard is when conservatives use the word “woke”, just replace it with “uppity”, because once you cut out all the bullshit that’s what they mean. To a conservative, everybody has a place in society in that there are people born onto a natural hierarchy. Black people are inferior to white people, poor people are inferior to rich people, etc., and in true Calvinist fashion it doesn’t matter what choices people make, there’s no action one can take to change their position. Wherever a person happens to be as an accident of birth defines their value. And in that line of thinking, the worst imaginable crime isn’t murder or rape or genocide, it’s upsetting the little caste system they’ve imposed upon the world. Woke ultimately means upsetting the caste system. That includes allowing women to have human rights, letting black people attend college, but even also applying the oh so bronze age concept of rule of law to those who commit crimes against someone “lesser than”.
Conservatism is literally incompatible with civilized society in the most fundamental sense. Democracy isn’t just at stake, it’s the entire concept of rule of law. If conservatives had their way, every day would be like The Purge.
in true Calvinist fashion it doesn’t matter what choices people make, there’s no action one can take to change their position.
Exactly. Like how all the “self-made men who pulled themselves up by their bootstraps” slag off on AOC for having had to work a real job once.
Even more stupid when you realize that female bartenders make the most tips from sleazy old men who think they can get flirting and phone numbers before they go home to their wives and children lmao
If you want know what they really mean, just replace the word “woke” with “treating people with respect” or “respectful”.
Anyone upset at that is not worth listening to.
Unfortunately, assholes like Shapiro have a huge audience of exactly the kind of assholes who gobble this shit up.
Oh, and they vote consistantly… do you?
Ask them which of the 42 Barbie movies was the first to be woke
It’s always funny to ask them stuff they have no idea how to even answer it
I wonder how they would choose to make such a movie less woke? I’m going to have to ask about that some time.
This is great news for the Barbie Movie