I’m so tired of seeing people talk about this guy here.
Reddit is like the ex they cant get over. Lemmy is reddit now.
There was a lot of talk about Fark on Digg, and about Digg on reddit. It’s just the Circle of Life.
What was Digg?
It was a lot like a proto reddit. They made a bunch of changes to monetize and there was a mass exodus to reddit
15 years ago it was THE place to mindlessly scroll and see cool tech articles and other things. Before they got greedy.
Oh that I wish it were. Lemmy is improving, but it does not even approach the quantity and diversity of content Reddit has.
I’m finding it better. Yeah, there’s less content and diversity, but the quality feels a lot better. I’m interested in a much larger share of the posts I see.
Same. I sort Lemmy by new and like most of the posts. On reddit, new is all AskReddit drivel.
True, l just post something to seed some data
Yeah, I didn’t care for it while I was a reddit user. The guy literally doesn’t care if you post ‘fuck /u/spez’ randomly in a comment section. Why let the guy live rent free in your head when you can step away from his domain and influence and never bothered again?
I specifically joined Lemmy to get away from Reddit. Why does everyone constantly want to talk about Reddit? There are much more interesting topics out there, folks
Catharsis and Schadenfreude (two very, very good words)
Remember to downtime the post. The doots work both ways.
Nah, I decided to not downvote anyone on lemmy. Only upvotes. We need more positivity in our lives.
We all are.
Nah, it’s important to talk shit about people who suck that do corporatist shit like Spez. I don’t care about him but I’m just a sucker for anything like that.
Yhea it just seems bitter
For a person everyone seemingly hates you guys sure do talk about him a lot. I’d much rather have my feed filled with content that’s not about Spez, Elon, Twitter, Reddit etc. Just move on already…
Seriously y’all sound bitter as fuck. Like being obsessed with your ex.
The fastest way to kill Reddit is to stop talking about it.
I believe the people still ranting about Reddit just have not yet given up their hope in returning there some day when Reddit has “learned their lesson”.
For some, Lemmy is just a temporary protesting statement.
Because I have my doubt that Lemmy will come close featurewise for now. The whole search engine issue for Lemmy content (right now it sucks to Google for topics) and lack of GDPR compliance (deleted isn’t even deleted), as well as visible votes to everyone (it’s currently only hidden in the UI but everyone could see the names of user who voted up and down), are three issues they need to solve.
There’s a bunch of schadenfreude in there, too.
Why not start with editing this post and adding his name in brackets?
Lol the irony
Mod of /r/Jailbait?
Probably would have made sense to use his real name (Steve Huffman) in the title, Mr Jackmeehoff
Or at least in the post description lol, thanks to you I know his name now.
Huffman is just an empty suit. His purpose is to take the flak for all the unpopular changes that the money people want him to make.
He’ll probably be gone within 2 years, get a nice payday, and never have to work again.
Focusing your ire on Huffman specifically plays right into Reddit’s hands. And spamming “fuck u/spez” everywhere just makes those of us who oppose the direction that Reddit has taken look like petulant children to neutral observers.
He’s the founder. He wants to cash out. He’s doing anything to get there.
That’s more than just an empty suit. Someone with a backbone would have gone a different direction
He’s a founder who already cashed out years ago—before being brought back to give the money people a credible figurehead.
He doesn’t deserve a real name.
Personally I’d like to thank Steve Huffman. Without him I would not have discovered Lemmy and I really like it here!
We should forget about our ex (Reddit). Lemmy is our new boyfriend/girlfriend. We should cherish her/him and give her/him some good lovin’.
Instructions unclear…I’ve made a mess of my phone
Forget everything about this guy
Can we please get over reddit and spez and move on. All the reddit content is making Lemmy much less fun to be on.
You mean like Brock Turner, the rapist?
Brock Allen Turner the Convicted Rapist. He’s tried going by “Allen Turner” before.
deleted by creator
Uh huh. So what’s his name?
Steve Huffman
Fart Huffman
Greedyfuck McPigboy?
Also known as Scumbag Steve Huffingman.