At least that’s my calculation right now
I’m trying to stop caring about it. On reddit I have well over a million karma, and what have I got to show for it?
Here in the fediverse I hope to concentrate on quality interactions rather than quantity.
I’m just glad that in Lemmy you can join the conversation a few hours after submission and still have your message seen by someone.
I hadn’t thought about that but you’re totally right.
It’s like being at a small dinner party vs. Burning Man :)
I got a reply over a day after my initial response on a thread asking if I remembered to change a Firefox setting. And my reply to that even is still getting a bit of upvotes on it.
It’s because the hot comment sorting algorithm is different from Reddit’s. It favours fresh discussions over older threads even if they have more upvotes.
Lemmy’s comment ranking goal was to do exactly that: don’t punish new comments on an old thread.
and what have I got to show for it?
Another day older and deeper in debt.
St. Peter, don’t you call me 'cause I can’t go.
I owe my soul to the company store.
Good to see some Tennesse Ernie Ford still floating around!
Eh I’ve always cared and still do to an extent? Like I don’t give a flying fuck about overall Karma. But if I make a joke of course I want to see it get a lot of reactions you know?
I get what you mean, but over time I found the desire for validation meant I was more likely to think about the reactions before I commented, and it was shaping what I said and posted.
At the moment I’m modding a super tiny community and I’m posting news content that I know will never be that popular with the majority of federati.
But it’s more fulfilling than guessing what people will like and posting or commenting that.
The interactions around politics still haven’t changed. There are more extreme views here though. It’s interesting to hop from a pro-Russian left conversation about the war to ones where they don’t believe in any regulation at all. More random stuff is rising to the top.
I’ve managed to steer clear of a lot of it. As a non American, it feels much easier here to not have to wade through a whole lot of comments of people arguing about American politics.
Reddit sort of pathologically turns unrelated discussions into that, probably because of all the shills and bad actors they have creeping about the place.
The thing is that a upvote is just not very interesting as a reaction, but a comment is worth so much more!
You make a very good point 😉
Don’t we all. Nothing like a little humor to lighten the mood but I honestly don’t miss scrolling past hundreds of overused puns to find some useful info on Reddit.
I never got the account karma thing. Do people really care? All i was fussed about was if a comment I made was interesting to others or not, but that’s just fake stupid internet points+dopamine
I think people care a lot about the dopamine.
There are subs that require a certain amount of karma to post or to join. It’s kind of gamefied at 100k, 200k, 300k etc.
This is definitely the way. There is something to be said about people’s need or desire for validation via upvotes, but as others have mentioned here, it’s super refreshing being able to interact with content hours after it was posted and not being drowned out.
It feels more like we are having interactions with other real people. More like the early internet.
Here in the fediverse I hope to concentrate on quality interactions rather than quantity.
Penis, vagina, fartass, Sasquatch shit.
You lost me at the end there.
It’s a quality interaction.
A man of culture
I mever cared about it.
You can sell it, I’ve seen people selling there account with million of karma for hundred even if not thousand of dollars
You can sell it
I know, I thought about it, but the trouble is the buyers use accounts for scamming people, posting malicious links, and spreading misinformation.
I don’t want to enable that.
Thanks for that. I didn’t sell my accounts for the same reason. I’m happy to see reddit burn, but selling my accounts to be used for propaganda or marketing some crappy product… nah
I’ve heard that a lot but I always wondered why people would pay for that. What are their intents and how malicious are those?
Me giving out upvotes on Lemmy
As much as I hate to say it, the “migration” wasn’t as large as some people would have thoughts it’s going to be. Hoomans. Stoopid hoomans.
I’m not sure about raw numbers but Lemmy feels like home now and Reddit’s content is significantly worse so it’s still a win for me
I didn’t look back after moving here. The only thing where Reddit still excels is its old content that you bump into when searching stuff on Google and the presence of official corporate accounts/ subreddits.
I did look back, and already don’t want to spend another minute there.
Honestly, this smaller community is much nicer, this feels like early reddit again.
I’d hate for all of current reddit to migrate here and I don’t think it will happen.Life definitely feels simpler here and nice, like I moved from a huge and toxic metropolis to a wonderful small town, but I would still like this town to grow into a city.
I went back by accident by following a search result, and was still logged in. Had a notification. It was a reply to a comment I’d made about a month prior, asking a question. In the comment I even attempted to clarify that it was a genuine question with no judgement attached, and I got a couple answers at the time.
Anyway, found myself back on Reddit with this belated comment reply. The person went on a whole rant related to my question, didn’t answer it of course, but just went off on one accusing me of nefarious motives.
It’s weird to think back on how stressful it was to interact over there for fear of being misinterpreted and drawing out the crazies. If something like that happens here I just block them and go on with my day safe in the knowledge that the nice folks have them massively outnumbered. And hence my nearly 2000 comments here over two accounts in the space of about six weeks…oh my.
Man I remember the same thing. I mentioned that my cats deworming pills are relatively expensive (as in expensive for a simple mass produced pill) and some person went on a rant how there are so many animals that are disregarded by their owners and what not. It’s strange.
I didn’t mention that I’m not buying them for her or that I’m avoiding other expenses.
speaking of searching stuff, how does lemmy work in that space?
Like would I ever find this comment if I search it on Google?
“Alibaba DQC Matrix Peanut Butter”
I tried searching for Kbin Enhancement Suite posts on Kbin via Google… Guess what? All the results came back for RES for Reddit! On Reddit.
There is a search engine being developed specifically for Lemmy for just this kind of thing:
Zero results so far. Will be interesting to see how long it takes to index. EDIT: 24 hour later indexed (see my other comment)
not bad
this is on Google? then I guess Google Indexes fediverse?
Makes sense, websites and internet and such.
Yep. And 24 hour index time (perhaps even faster) isn’t half bad.
I believe there’s people already working on that, but no idea how they’re doing these days
It definitely does yea. I haven’t been on plebbit outside of a random search result for something I could not find otherwise.
Will the real Fry please stand up? We have a healthy amount of Fry avatars on Lemmy and I’m here for it.
deleted by creator
For me reddit content was pretty shitty for the last couple of tears. Like 10 years ago I could scroll the front page and find everything pretty funny/interesting and that made me want to discuss the topics with the people there. In the last years, the front page become pretty dull to me, I was just going to reddit only to specific subs.
Lemmy feels now to what reddit felt 10 years ago.
It wasn’t during Digg either and they declared victory. It took time to build. Lemmy is currently growing at about 65,000 more posts every day over the last and is on an exponential curve discounting the massive initial spike. There’s been some cleaning of the bot accounts that mess with the numbers a little.
I’d rather like this platform to have a slow and steady growth rather than a massive peak which is unbearable for the servers, immediately sending lemmy to the graveyard.
All the subreddits I followed have not had the migration to Lenny, as the equivalent here is pretty much a desert. Only 1 or 2 people are actively posting every day to keep it active
Its going to take time to rebuild, especially the smaller niche communities. 1-2 regular posters at least ensures there is content to slowly accrue more subscribers. The best thing you can do if you have deserted small subs is starting to post yourself. Doesn’t matter if you think the content is of poor quality, just the fact that someone is posting makes it more likely that others will, too. Like the first guy starting to dance to the music at a party.
As a DJ, I really like that analogy. Dancing by yourself is a worthy endeavor by itself, folks. Put yourself in that place in life.
I read that the reddit userbase fell 3%. All those blackouts which ended without achieving anything. I left reddit when they announced the death of the API and never looked back.
The quality of posts is certainly down.
No, no, the seeds of the site’s downfall have been planted by the administration, you gotta remember these sites depend on a tiny amount of power posters, not to mention the moderator contingent, which they pissed off. Not all migrated away, but enough did to hurt the quality of the site, and any that remain will remember. They HAVE lost a lot and haven’t noticed yet. Sites that big will not fall in a day, it will be alive a decade from now, like Livejournal or Slashdot are still alive.
Eh, it happens. At least you have us, your fellow bots, to keep you company.
The more important thing is that lemmy is now active enough to retain users. Before the exodus it was pretty quiet here. The userbase needed to hit a critical threshold to generate enough content and earn people’s interest. I think that, at least, was accomplished.
Who. The fuck. Cares. About. Reddit.
Please. Let’s just move on mkay? This place is better, let’s embrace it and not look back.
deleted by creator
Sadly shitty people exist in all walks of life. Hopefully they stay on Reddit though
They’ve already got Twitter
1000 down votes on Reddit, none on Lemmy. At least that’s how it seems in comparison.
Reddit would have downvoted you to prove you wrong
Yes 😂
Quite a few of the popular instances don’t even have downvotes.
Ah, you’re right! We’re not downvoting unfunny content nearly as much as we should.
Hey at least you keeped the third comment being downvoated tradition
I would correct your spelling mistake but talking about downvotes, i know what the punishment is
1 star on github is 500 upvotes on lemmy
What’s a reddit?
Correct answer.
Maybe they mean “red zit?” Sometimes I get those.
What’s your skin care routine?
Who is this Reddit?
Perhaps, but for every 100 upvotes on reddit you also receive 75-112 downvotes.
I like those metrics. Means I got like 500k upvotes in three weeks… but then I’m on, so a bunch of that’s coming from Mastodon, and kbin’s community loves to upvote. That’s ok - I fully accept the false affirmation of fake internet point inflation.
I’m on Lemmy and I love to upvote.
Apparently, Kbin users can also see what Lemmy users upvote them. Is that correct?
Yep - each post has an activity section that lists boosts, reduces (Mastodon style instances) and favorites (upvotes - Lemmy style instances) and the users who made them. Upvotes are under the favorites tab. Examples:
My comment:
Your comment:
If you’re on kbin, you can access this under the “more” menu next to the reply & boost buttons beneath each comment.
Here is my 100 upvote for you good sir 👍
What about downvotes?
This maneuver is gonna cost us …
It’s not about quantity, it’s about sending a message … Because it clearly isn’t about quality ><