And that could very well mean that you won’t ever get another shot with them again for quite a long time. So let’s say there is someone you’re crushing on and you’ve been hesitant on asking them out or feeling for them to work on something. But nothing comes of it for reasons.

Now, that person eventually goes off and gets swept away from another person. That’s not just time you have to wait until they’re let go from that. But, what if they’re ruined from that relationship and swear to not date again? That hurts more than losing them in the first place and it’s an unimaginable feeling. Bad enough that you’ve whiffed on any opportunity you could’ve had with that crush, yet now, you may never get a chance again.

So the next time you absolutely feel for someone and you’d like to have them. Take a chance and try. You may never know when you could be in this situation.

    12 years ago

    Shoot your shot and if what you described happens then move on. If they do that before you took your shot then that’s on you and it’s time to move on.

    There’s probably lots of partners that we would’ve ended up with if things had gone different, but that’s life.