Think of the relationship between “optimism”, “pessimism” and “realism”:
generally, those words are respectively interpreted as “focusing on the good things”, “focusing on the bad things” and “ignoring (or trying to ignore) personal biases on the topic at hand”.
In a way that makes sense, the universe defines our perception on things, not the other way around.

However, let’s suppose you just had a reality check, at least as my terminally online ass knows the term as.
That means something happened to you, that forced you to realize something about yourself - be it your body, your psyche, your knowledge about anything. A realization so undeniable, that, despite your lizard brain’s psychological self-defense mechanisms’ censorship attempts, made you realize you’ve been wrong about something.

The reality check brings your mood down in the short term, and possibly pushes you to improve yourself (or, alternatively, to [concoct a workaround to the tyrannical laws of the universe]) in the long run, but… that’s not truly neutral, is it?
It may be a “bad” feeling possibly followed by a good outcome (see: cognitive dissonance), but it is never a GOOD feeling followed by a possibly bad outcome. The latter case is a confimation bias, if anything - the opposite of a reality check.

Going back to the first paragraph: if someone says “I’m not a pessimist, I’m a realist” you may conflate that person for an pessimist, but not an optimist.


  • sp3ctr4l
    25 days ago

    I’d say a ‘reality check’ is not always negative.

    Say you’re very, very self conscious in public, always nervous about how others percieve you.

    But then, one day, a friend pulls you aside and ‘reality checks’ you with:

    “Look, in 90% of situations you’ll ever be in, if you can follow a few basic dress and behavioral rules, you’ll be fine. Barring situations where the whole idea is you making a good first impression… most people, most of the time, in most situations… really don’t care that much.”

    Things like that are arguably ‘positive’ reality checks.

    The reason why ‘reality check’ is often connotated negatively is because most of the time, cognitive dissonance develops as a way of excusing or justifying harmful or irresponsible behavior or inaction, all things that mean you are living in a mild to serious delusion which can no longer be maintained, and will require a lot more effort to grapple with.

    But it can be the case that reality is in someway better than it is perceived by someone who is overly critical or peasimistic in some way.

    In some sense, the initial realization that you’ve been incorrect about something is negative in that you may be embarassed about being wrong in the past, but if it actually means a more realistic outlook going forward, which is actually less troublesome, easier to exist with/in, then I’d say thats overall a ‘positive’ reality check.