"Abstract - The first negative eugenic measure passed by the Hitler regime in July 1933 was the forced sterilization law, which primarily targeted neuropsychiatric patients with “feeble mindedness,” schizophrenia, and epilepsy. Also included were Huntington’s chorea, bipolar disorder, and alcoholism, along with other congenital defects.” - https://academic.oup.com/book/40410/chapter-abstract/347295636
Didn’t say that I did. But most folks with it know how awful and don’t wish it on their children. Tell me, how many folks have you worked with who have/had HD?
I’m not speaking out my arse here.
Let me be clear, I think that the including of HD in this list is to muddy the waters. This is not a genuine concern.
Yeah, I paused on that one. It shouldn’t be forced, but it should be encouraged. No loving parent would want to give that to a child and the odds are just so high.
"Abstract - The first negative eugenic measure passed by the Hitler regime in July 1933 was the forced sterilization law, which primarily targeted neuropsychiatric patients with “feeble mindedness,” schizophrenia, and epilepsy. Also included were Huntington’s chorea, bipolar disorder, and alcoholism, along with other congenital defects.” - https://academic.oup.com/book/40410/chapter-abstract/347295636
I know of no one who has Huntingtons who want to have kids…
“Parents face choice of having children with Huntington’s Disease” - https://www.newsnationnow.com/health/parents-face-choice-of-having-children-with-huntingtons-disease/
You don’t get to make that choice.
Didn’t say that I did. But most folks with it know how awful and don’t wish it on their children. Tell me, how many folks have you worked with who have/had HD?
I’m not speaking out my arse here.
Let me be clear, I think that the including of HD in this list is to muddy the waters. This is not a genuine concern.
This is about control and eugenics.
Yeah, I paused on that one. It shouldn’t be forced, but it should be encouraged. No loving parent would want to give that to a child and the odds are just so high.