All we have are scriptures and texts that could have been a series of meme that built/improved from eachother but lost the common knowledge between the generations that it was fictional.

  • Her work seems to center on women in religion, at least with multiple references in the wiki write up indicating so.

    Does she have a standalone comprehensive book on the historical origins of the Bible? Seems she has multiple pieces that focus on different aspects, and they seem very academic, but I didn’t see one that was more generalist.

    • Aniki 🌱🌿
      27 months ago

      Her books on the Nag Hammadi library go deep into the early foundations of Christianity even pre-council.

    • Aniki 🌱🌿
      27 months ago

      ——— (2003). Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas. New York: Vintage Books. ISBN 978-0-375-50156-2. OCLC 50913545. ———; King, Karen L. (2007). Reading Judas: The Gospel of Judas and the Shaping of Christianity. New York: Viking Press. ISBN 978-0-670-03845-9. OCLC 85255593. ——— (1979). The Gnostic Gospels. New York: Vintage Books. ISBN 978-0-394-50278-6. OCLC 1002324965.