
    7 months ago

    I think that where I live there are small companies that pay for the right to use FedEx logo-ed trucks and uniforms. I have had interactions with them because there was a driver that had a problem with some graffiti that was on the property where I live.

    I contacted FedEx, and they gave me the low down. That was last year.

    The name of the smaller operating companies are on the side of the FedEx trucks in smaller print.

    If that changed I am ignorant to that. Also FedEx is not union.

    • Mx Phibb
      17 months ago

      FedEx is so very complicated, FXG isn’t union, Federal Express is, IIRC something to do with them being under FAA authority. Not sure about FedEx Freight, FedEx LTL or FedEx Expediting. And that’s just part of the mess of the company. As to the name thing, that was started by RPS, FXG’s predecessor, and was a single contractor buying a route from RPS, with RPS supplying vans and uniforms much the way Amazon does with their companies, but it’s entirely possible that some of those drivers bought multiple routes and formed up their own little company, or that FXG followed in Amazon’s footsteps and switched to contracting with companies rather than individuals.