So I’ve been in the rabbit hole of android privacy for some time, last I joined the GrapheneOS community but let’s just say that they doesn’t have a “healthy” opinion about other projects like f-droid.

So I am looking for generic communities that focus on mobile privacy that doesn’t have drama or toxicity or “extreme opinions”. Any suggestions? I prefer chat based communities like matrix or simplex instead of like reddit or lemmy.

    17 months ago

    Yeah exactly. So pointing that out is sufficient, and it’s up to every user to decide if the benefit is worth the risk. And I’m sure for most people fdroid is a net positive.

    Now, I want to change gears, and talk about annoying personalities also being really beneficial. Crazy principled people drive change in the world. The open BSD founder, RMS, the graphene founder, these are crazy unreasonable uncompromising people which are difficult to get along, but they drive change. Sometimes we need those uncompromising people. I think putting up with them is the cost of a vibrant ecosystem.

      7 months ago

      I disagree.

      If you’re an asshole, people don’t want to work with you, and will actively avoid you.

      I’m the IT guru in my family and extended circle. Of the probably 100+ people I advise, none will ever use Graphene now.

      They alienate people with their hubris and condescension. Rather than help people understand their perspective, they act like it’s “the only answer”.

      That’s never a solution. Discussing pros and cons of different approaches moves us forward, not the Graphene “us VS them” mentality.